Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm waiting for the DEMOCRATIC convention this week------

It can't be any worse than the Republican Convention ----------------- but will it be any better?  Will there be as many outright lies, as much disrespect, and "whiteness"?  Will there be as much exclusion from the convention as conventions of old---------like the 50's?

A Republican strategist said on CNN, "The Republican Party has a big tent, we welcome everyone."  Oh really?

If you are gay, if you are of color, if you are female, if you are poor, if you believe in a woman's right to choose ------ your VOTE  is welcome but the TENT is closed.


  1. Not according to the guests on NBC's Meet the Press program this am------or those on State of the Union on CNN--------Tom Friedman is one I particularly admire--------

    The ONLY way the Republicans can oust the Dems is to come up with a rock-solid plan to get this economy back in the black. Unless, and until, they do THAT, the Democratic talking points on social issues will continue to dominate the conversation between now and the election.

    I am truly sorry for the people of this nation--------

    1. NBC and CNN are probama and realize Obama doesn't have a positive economic record to get re-elected on. He doesn't have a positive foreign policy record to get re-elected on. So he is trying to make race an issue. Which wasn't an issue before he was elected. Racism no longer holds people back and in the few instances it does, the victims get huge jury awards. Racism is no more prevalent in the work place than reverse racism.

    2. I agree Carol,
      I also am truly sorry for the people of this country as you cannot see the war on women is exactly that and the perpetrators of the war is the democratic party. They will do anything to divert attention from the real issues, the 23 million unemployed, under employed. 6 trillion in debt with absolutely nothing to show for it, a trashed economy that one Barack Obama jumping up and down yelling let me, let me, and he didn't. Yet you will still vote for that fool thinking the Repub's are such bad people as you have fallen for the progressive story, hook, line and sinker.

      Give O another chance and he will continue down the path of bankrupting the US and making this country irrelevant.

  2. This constant babble is such a constant drone.... From my position and in my heart I can honestly stay that Democratic programs and policies have done much more harm than that of the right to the minorities of this country, yet to keep the 'constituency' in line, Democrats have to drone on about 'the racism of the right' as a way of deflecting the discussion away from the real issue of social policy that attract and capture large numbers of people who,once in, can find no way out and after they are captured, they are told that the mean old right just want to take away their cheese. We have proof in the migrant farm sector that the extended benefits are causing people, otherwise capable of work, to make a choice.... pick vegetables or continue on state handouts..... crops are left in the fields....

    The left appears to be obsessed with race and will use it to rally its poor, downtrodden constituents to the fullest of effect. It doesn't matter what questions are asked of Obama's past.. they are because the people asking are racist... Even if one follows the desires and admonishments of Martian Luther King in judging a man by the content of his character, any discussion of Obama's association with the Black Panthers, Jeremiah Wright, or even the date and place of Obama's birth are born out of racism.... BS. Yet let anyone thats not a registered Democrat ever make a comment remotely off color and their is no end to the tripe comment from the mouths of those who know how to use the race issue the best...... Democrats need the race card... its the only way to get votes for their band of rather odd alliances of convenience. And it is the only real 'issue' that they really want to dissect and ponder a better way...

  3. People like you Carol keep our country from Uniting. The Republican's have many minority members. If you followed the Convention, you could have heard or read many of their speeches.

    I see Obama comes out and falsely accuses the GOP convention as coming from the time of black and white tv. Then like a good lackey you follow up with you comment about the convention being from the 50's.

    DON'T FORGET CAROL THAT CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT WAS MOSTLY OPPOSED BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY - NOT REPUBLICANs. So what you are really saying is that it's the Republican's pushing an equal rights agenda and not the Democrats. Although I'm sure that's not the actual message you intended. Shocker! I guess your American history teacher somehow left that part out.

    1. The Solid South was a Democrat bulwark until the Demcrats came out in favor of racial integration and equal rights. Then the solid southerners switched to the Republican side. In other words, it was the Republicans who sold their souls to attract the Southern vote. I guess your history teacher left that part out. I was born and raised in the South, I was there.

    2. Mick.... Didn't look at the two videos posted by Rojode below... I guess your history teacher embellished the truth....

    3. LS,

      Trust me, I followed the convention------all of it. Eastwood co-opted the whole thing--------I am sure it was not done on purpose (I hope not) but it was weak on substance.

      Usually the Dems are the spineless, gutless wonders, but this time it was the Repubs. Very sad for all voters who will have to hold their noses and vote on the touch screens.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I tend to agree with Mark Stein.

      As your a hardcore Demo, you would never see beyond the superficial. Requires thought.

      By Mark Steyn
      August 31, 2012 3:08 P.M.

      Like William F. Gavin, I hugely enjoyed Clint Eastwood’s turn last night, but I’m not sure I agree that it was “unintentionally hilarious” and that “he forgot his lines, lost his way.” Clint is a brilliant actor, and a superb director of other actors (and I don’t just mean a quarter-century ago: In the last five years, he’s directed eight films). He’s also, as Mr. Gavin observed, a terrific jazz improviser at the piano — and, in film and music documentaries, an extremely articulate interviewee. So I wouldn’t assume that the general tenor of his performance wasn’t exactly as he intended. The hair was a clue: No Hollywood icon goes out on stage like that unless he means to.

      John Hayward writes:

      The intended recipient was not Mitt Romney, the convention delegates, or even Republican voters, but rather wavering independents. Clint was there to tell them it’s OK to find Obama, his ugly campaign operation, and his increasingly shrill band of die-hard defenders ridiculous. It’s OK to laugh at them.

      I’m not sure he could have pulled that off if he’d delivered a slick telepromptered pitch. As Mr. Hayward suggests, the hard lines packed more of a punch for being delivered in the midst of a Bob Newhart empty-chair shtick from the Dean Martin show circa 1968. Indeed, they were some of the hardest lines of the convention and may well prove the take-home (“We own this country . . . Politicians are employees of ours . . . And when somebody does not do the job, we’ve got to let them go”), but they seemed more effective for appearing to emerge extemporaneously from the general shambles.

      The curse of political operatives is that they make everything the same. A guy smoothly reading platitudinous codswallop while rotating his head from the left-hand teleprompter to the right-hand teleprompter like clockwork as if he’s at Centre Court watching the world’s slowest Wimbledon rally is a very reductive idea of “professionalism.” Even politicians you’re well disposed to come across as slick bores in that format. Which is by way of saying Clint is too sharp and too crafty not to have known what he was doing.

      Oh, and next time ’round, maybe he should sing.

  4. Herman Cain was about to be our Presidential nominee before his woman problem. If what you are saying was true, that would have NEVER happened.

  5. Dem list of convention speakers. The big names...

    Jimmy Carter
    Bill Clinton
    Rahm Emanuel
    Barney Frank
    Nancy Pelosi
    Harry Reid
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    John Kerry
    James Clyburn
    Dick Durbin
    Charlie Crist
    Steny Hoyer
    Jim Hunt
    John Lewis
    Eva Longoria
    Charles Schumer
    Kathleen Sebelius

    not very diverse unless you count white women as diversity.
    Also CEO CarMax, CEO Costco,Caroline Kennedy,President of NARAL Pro-Choice America,President of Planned Parenthood Action Fund,Women’s rights activist Lilly Ledbetter

    As you can see, Obama knows his re-election depends on women.

    1. Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Charlie Gonzalez, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver, Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, and Judy Chu, who is among the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, will also speak, the convention announced.

    2. like I said, a very small percentage.


    1. Not too convenient facts I would say.... No, not at all convenient.


  8. George stephanfloppalots exposed

  9. I suppose its alright for a Democrat to say things... as long as they have a political interest....
