Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tea Party II The new generation.

2008 The Tea Party did not exist. A fabricated financial meltdown scares voters. ACORN organizes an Obama victory.

2009 February. The Tea Party emerges. 9/12 The Tea Party bares it's teeth in DC.

2010 November. The Tea Party writes a major reversal in our House of Representatives, and State wide elections.

2012 September. Polls show the president cannot garner more than 47% of the electorate despite the advantages of the incumbency. Unemployment remains stubbornly high as employers remain on the sideline due to uncertainty about the upcoming financial cliff, and Obamacare's pending undertoe. The Middle East as a sphere of USA influence has faded into Black Flags of terror. Our people are being killed on sovereign outposts with no visual response.

At the end of the day, after 100 years of progressive influence, 50 years after LBJ's Great Society, 70 years after FDR's 10 year experimentation in Depression, and 3 recent years of total incompetence,

Our administration and Senate have not produced a budget in over three years Barack
Our young people don't have jobs Barack
Out of wedlock childbirth has become a pandemic Barack
Welfare, disability, medicare, and food stamp roles will overwhelm us Barack

Our lives are not a movie Barack

1773-2009 One way or another changes will be made.


  1. Obama is going to win----------no 2 ways about it. I know you are passionate about getting rid of him and putting a conservative in the WH but it just ain't gonna happen.

    Romney was bad enough as a candidate to begin with but he has flubbed up so much now that his candidacy is just a joke-----he's a joke, and not a funny joke, rather a sad and pathetic joke.

    1. Life is not a movie Carol.


    2. Eight out of nice "toss up" states were won last time by Obama. Now they are mostly statistical dead heats.

      1773-2009 Despite what the MSM is selling. If I were Obama I'd be packing. And Michelle, get that canning done.

  2. Interesting that even with the MSM hammering Romney he still hangs in there. Wonder what it would look like without the MSM shilling for Obama and non reporting his performance and flubs.

    It was terrorism, yesterday it was not terrorism, today, it was terrorism. We are in recovery, 96K jobs last month, no mention of the disaster in the press.

    The American people deserve what they get if they re-elect O.

    Carol, hope you still have SS and medicare after O is done with us.

  3. Two days ago I posted the comments of the Australian Treasurer ( Your equivalent Sec Treasury) who said quote” Let’s be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over a part of the Republican Party,"

    As a fellow Australian I condemn the remarks, not because they may not be true, but because it is none of Mr Swan’s business. As private individuals we can argue here amongst ourselves but when it occurs at official ministerial level then there is the making of a major problem. I would add, not as an excuse but in explanation, Mr Swan is the Deputy leader of a Socialist government our electorate was foolish enough to put in at the last election

    Read more:
