Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Food Stamp use nearly 50 million.

I saw this article today and it reminded me with a discussion I had with someone involved trying to stem food stamp program abuse. As it is now, there are any number of ways one can get a state id without any documentation (via affidavit) and then that ID is used to apply for food stamps. This info has spread to all of the low income and illegal residents who should not qualify and they are now getting food stamps. In fact, I see no reason why they couldn't double or triple dip.


  1. In Florida you must have a birth certificate to get a state ID. Secondly, but important to remember, all money sprent on food stamps is reclycled back into the economy.

    1. Maybe everyone in the US should be given food stamps. Look at all that money being recycled into the economy, instant boom times.

    2. Have you ever wondered how many industries there are out in our economy that aren't at least somewhat supported by our bloated government? I hate the idea of being dependent on the government, but the reality is that it may be the only thing that is maintaining our quality of life.

    3. Sounds to me Storm as if you are in no mood to change the trend either....

    4. I am very open to any ideas that will reduce government interference in our lives without crashing our economy. I started of with the thought of F'em and feed 'em fish heads, but I got to thinking that I would be the one eating the fish heads. Then I got to looking into the absurdity of our global monetary systems and figured out how we are able to operate this sham we are running. It is all make believe and I won't get stressed out about this great fantasy.
