Monday, September 10, 2012


Is there anything harder to achieve in life than balance?  Balance between your work life and your family.  Balance between aggression and peace so that you can get what you want out of this life and still be able to enjoy it.  Balance between giving a little of your time to a worthy cause and having a little time to repair your overworked soul.

It seems as if we have lost focus on the important things as a society.  We are driven to win.  We don't care about balance and compromise.  We become narrowly focused and succumb to fear instead of reason.  


  1. I am not so naive to believe that my biases don't cloud my perception of reality. I have not achieved balance yet. I wonder if it is a lifelong pursuit?

    1. Everybody's biases do, Stormy. Maybe the key to finding balance is understanding that - that though I think I have it figured out, realizing that I could be wrong. Opens the mind to possibilities ...

  2. Somehow I think "Balance" equates to bringing into equilibrium that inner force which drives us onwards when we are young and which, like the candle, grows short as we pass retirement age and progress towards the last event in which we shall partake.
    Without that combative drive during our working lives, we could not expect to find peace and contentment during retirement. We can look back at success, look inwards to ensure we are doing something with the material success and look forward leaving the world so that our kids have a little more of the material goods than us when we started.
    Cheers from Aussie

    1. The modern American lifestyle involves many more things that must be balanced for a person to feel whole. We used to have defined household and professional jobs in marriages. Religion was a big part of the social and spiritual lives of people. We have so many choices now, including doing nothing at all, that it can get confusing. I would think that modern Australia is catching up quickly with our culture.
