Saturday, September 29, 2012


Who was the rocket scientist that decided the US should try to convince its citizens that the consulate attack wasn't terrorism, just a bunch of offended Muslims that got out of control? And why did they stick with the BS story for so long? I wonder who Obama got to fall on their sword?


  1. This is an interesting situation. What is the benefit to the administration to declare that this or other attacks are not terrorism? The only thing I can think of is that they don't want to respond to the attack and that would be easier if it was just a protest that got out of control. The thing is, we are attacking these terrorists all the time with our drones. Maybe we just don't want to admit that our war on terrorism has become a less intrusive war. We will do it behind your back with the full support of your government, but your government doesn't want to admit that they have given the US the authorization to operate in your airspace.

    1. "We will do it behind your back with the full support of your government, but your government doesn't want to admit that they have given the US the authorization to operate in your airspace. "

      This is probably a lot closer to the truth. That said, I pretty much have to agree with Livestrongest on this. If anything, this suggests to me that the drone strikes are working and that the terrorists are having to move further out to find an American interest that they can actually attack and do some damage to. I did not support what Obama did in Libya and I continue to wonder when this country will ever get it through it's head that it cannot conduct coups and never get blood on its hands. The days of installing puppets and dominating countries is over.

      This is going to be at least a 30 year issue. Radical nut jobs, both here at home and in the Muslim world, are craving the chance to fight a holy war. Anyone attempting to do a true cost/benefit analysis, like say a Ron Paul type or Dennis Kucinich type, will be dismissed.

  2. It's really quite simple: Obama's muslim roots. Never known for his grip on reality, the ability to tell truth in its own light and the inability to single shoulder failure or blame, how embarrassing to admit that for all the unclenched fists and open hands rhetoric of our Groveler in Chief Islam could not care less.
