Thursday, September 27, 2012

Protester outside of Romney rally explains how Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why they should vote for him. Cleveland Ohio, September 26

Top Comments

  • This is almost the perfect Romney campaign  ad.
  • It fucking aggrieves me that people this stupid are allowed the privilege of voting.


    1. I recently was out of state. Two 18 year old high school kids were telling a news broadcaster how they were eligible to vote in this election. When asked who they were going to vote for, they replied they didn't know and were reading newspaper articles and listening to the campaign ads to get the information needed to make up their mind who to vote for.

      This is why we have the problems we have today.

    2. Anyone who does not believe that handing out free stuff influences elections is just plain nuts.
      Why do you think Liberals keep increasing giveaways,oh I know they are worried the poor are deprived. I don't think so or they would stop their inflationary monetary policies. Inflation is killing the poor more than any other group,but then is heading more working poor into government dependency.Hummmmm something to think about here.
