Monday, September 3, 2012

“Republican Women for Obama”

 Yes more commercials from the Obama campaign.  living in a swing state is beyond painful as both campaigns are spending money beyond belief.  I have seen this ad and then found this piece which puts it into perspective.

Mark Stein:

The Democrats have just released an ad called “Republican Women for Obama”, in which a handful of women explain that they’ve voted Republican their entire lives until this Mitt Romney fellow came along and they decided he was just way too extreme. Also, they’re shocked to discover, after voting Republican non-stop for the last 40 years, that apparently the GOP is opposed to abortion. Who knew?
Prominently featured among these lifelong Republican women is a striking brunette who is aghast to find out that Romney wants to reverse Roe v Wade. This totally Republicanly Republican GOP-type conservative-to-the-hilt woman has since been identified as Maria Ciano of Colorado. She’s a registered Democrat, but don’t let that fool you. Her accumulated Facebook “likes” over the years testify to her rock-ribbed Republicanism. They include Amy Goodman,, Bernie Sanders, and a Facebook page called “I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President”.
Wouldn’t it be easier for the Dems just to hire Tina Fey to star in “Sarah Palin for Obama”?
(*forthcoming Romney ad featuring endorsements from lifelong liberal Democrat women Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Laura Bush, Phyllis Schlafly, and me in a black cocktail dress)


  1. I saw that, at least two life long Dems claiming to be Republicans.

    Just another example of lying, stealing, cheating is OK if it gets Obama re-elected attitude. Morality? Thy name is not Democrat.

  2. The 'Pubs do have a problem with a lot of female voters.

    I know the Dems have spun "The War on Women" into a ridiculous talking point, but it is rooted in actual 'Pub policy.

    Let's say I was was just an casual political observer still trying to decide how to vote:

    One the one hand I'm hearing about the pro-choice Dems who want to give me "free" birth control. On the other, I'm hearing about the 'Pubs who want to take away my choice, subject me to a non-medically necessary transvaginal probe, and debate the "legitimacy" of rape.

    Again, as a female voter who, in my hypothetical, is not particularly politically engaged - the bulk of my coming from attack ads and sound bytes, no research of my own, no context, my choice looks like this:

    Do I vote for the Dems who want to leave my body alone and give me free birth control, or do I vote for the 'Pubs who want to violate me with a metal rod and parse what constitutes "legitimate" rape?

    The Dems are gonna beat this angle to death and the 'Pubs (perhaps deservedly so) are gonna have their work cut out for them to win a significant amount of female voters.

    The irony is that Romney, who I believe to be a moderate on these matters and deserves none of the criticism leveled at 'Pubs with regard to their policies toward women, is gonna suffer for it.

    1. You are correct. Democrats tend to make most of their gains based on two things. The claim that they can and will give their constituents anything they want, regardless the cost and never discuss with their party the principles of hard work, responsibility and self reliance. Who wouldn't vote for a party that says that they will take care of you from cradle to grave.... everyone, except, I suppose, for those who do work hard and think that they should use most of what they make to improve the lives of themselves, their family and their communities. Issues like abortion are never framed in the context of responsibility by the Dems... only the freedom. Every freedom has a comparable responsibility... and why should someone else pay a woman to exercise responsibility over your own choices? That is exactly what 'free' birth control is..... Isn't it? So while their are fringe members of the Republican party who want to exercise their version of total control, most only want the abortion and social benefits to be used for things beyond a persons control, because some folks in the Democratic party thinks that they should exercise total freedom while excepting no responsibility.... The parties spin the extreme positions to their advantage... we all loose as a result. To me, the government never had a word in the abortion decision. The only thing that the Supreme Court should have decided is on the definition for the word 'Life'..... everything else is in the constitution...unfortunately they didn't have the guts to make a call... our loss as a freedom loving country.

    2. The Scott,

      I give you a thumb up. If I had read your post earlier, mine down below would not have been necessary.


  3. the pro-choice Dems who want to give me "free" birth control.

    Today, people on medicaid get free birth control pills. Most people with insurance are covered for their birth control with a co-pay. Where is the war on women??

    and debate the "legitimacy" of rape.

    The views of 1 person is the views of a party?

    Both are beyond the pale of ridiculous.

    Unfortunately we have the MSM and Obama against the Republicans. The only thing I can say is that Americans get what they deserve when voting. Vote more of the same with Obama or hopefully a change to get the economy jump started if that is possible as it's been 4 years and it may be beyond jump starting.

    To bad people can't see what's important, the economy, unemployment and the debt. Guess as long as they have a job we have reached Nirvana.

    1. "To bad people can't see what's important, the economy, unemployment and the debt. Guess as long as they have a job we have reached Nirvana."

      I would add to that... perhaps place on the list above that, the slippery slope that is our civil rights, the size of the federal power structure, not as it relates to expense as much as it does to decentralization of power..... you can have a job but if you do not have the ability to live your life without wondering if a post on a sight like this will get you picked up and incarcerated.... I think that is an even bigger priority given that Romney is no shrinking violate when it comes to supporting laws like the Patriot Act, NDAA and reduction of those things that makes America... America.

  4. I think the key word to understanding the entire ad is bogus is the now infamous (but forgotten incident) intercepted Chuck Shumer telecon with the DNC, "our plan is to label everything they do 'extreme', use it often".

  5. I wasn't so much talking about whether government subsidized birth control is in itself a good policy as much as I was pointing out the overall difference in policy direction between the two parties - especially when view through the eyes of the un- or semi-informed.

    Do I go with the party of "free" birth control, or do I go with the party of government mandated vaginal probes?

    The difference, on the surface, is pretty stark. This is the roadblock for the Pubs with women.

    1. And the uninformed vote. Hence the 15 second sound bite so the uninformed can become partially informed.

      Sad the attention span of the American voter is the length of a 15-30 second sound bite that reflects little of what the truth is. It will be even more of a travesty when voters find out what's really in Obama care and how much more it will cost them. It won't be a war on women or the wealthy as the higher taxes are passed to all those people paying no Federal income tax today.

      I personally think people will vote for their freebies and who offers the most.

    2. Agreed, Lou. Though in this example I'm not sure the offer of a "freebie" is necessary.

      What if the choice was presented as the party of no forced vaginal probes vs the party of the state-mandated metal rod in the vagina?

      It's still enough to sway many women away from the Pubs, even though it's not Romney's position.

      I do find it amazing that any self-proclaimed small government conservative would support that extreme a policy regardless of their position on abortion.

      Again, it is problem for the Pubs with women.

    3. "I do find it amazing that any self-proclaimed small government conservative would support that extreme a policy regardless of their position on abortion."

      I don't support the repub's position nor the demo's position. It's all about individual choice and should not enter into politics at all.

      I don't support the demo's as they have no fiscal restraint at all. The repub's have a small amount and hopefully they have gotten the message that it's becoming not just something to think about or a small gesture to the fiscal conservatives out there. The fiscal cliff might be a good t

      We do need a new political party that represent the people not the extremes.

      "What if the choice was presented as the party of no forced vaginal probes vs the party of the state-mandated metal rod in the vagina?"

      Haven't found any references to this on the conservative web sites.

    4. Iouman,

      It could be about individual choice if there were no issue as to when a life starts, yes? If it starts when the egg is fertilized, then the life is, or should be (?) entitled to itself, so who would speak for those who don't have the ability, and won't during the 9 month period until they apparently get officially designated as human beings?

    5. jean,
      It's still about choice. When a person makes a decision to abort, they will live with the decision forever.

      When life begins is above my pay grade.

    6. @Lou

      I was referring to the law that was passed by the Pub legislators in VA, then signed by the Pub governor about 6 months ago. It has since been repealed. There was a whole lot of discussion that the passage of that law effectively removed the VA gov from Veep consideration by the Romney camp. There was a lot of discussion about it on MW at the time. Should come up on a Google search.
