Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mia Love

Who is Mia Love?

 “President Obama’s version of America is a divided one — pitting us against each other based on our income level, gender, and social status. His policies have failed! We are not better off than we were 4 years ago, and no rhetoric, bumper sticker, or campaign ad can change that.”

 Stan Thompson · Top Commenter · California State University, Fresno
How refreshing to see this beatiful young woman get up in front of millions and talk about personal responsiblity rather than victimization. Like the vast majority of conservatives, I don't care if a person is skybluepink as long as they aren't liberal. Like Brad Thor wrote in one of his books, "It's amazing how uncommon, common sense is"! That is a perfect description of a liberal. No common sense!
 Hilary Grant Weber · · Frisco, Texas She was fantastic! She captured and articulated the point that we are the masters and creators of our destiny and fate.
 David Wilkozek · Top Commenter
The disgusting leftwingers defaced Mia love's Wikipedia page with racial slurs and insults.


  1. A sharp, educated, attractive young black woman... What the GOP does have black folks in it and they don't like what the left are doing to their people. Did you know that neither MSNBC,ABC,CBS and NBC carried her speech. CNN did but as a split screen with the hurricane map...

    Guess they didn't like giving her a boost... she is afterall making great strides in beating an incumbent democrat this election.

    1. TheScott,

      yes, I caught that cutout, and I read where someone asked why, but (surprise?) no response.

      I thought she did very well.


  2. One of the best jabs leveled in Democratic primaries came when Howard Dean claimed he had the support of the black congressional caucus, in retort, Al Sharpton said, "You only need a cosigner when your credit is bad".

    As a person left of center, I will openly say the Democrats have sold African Americans to poverty pimps. Surely, there are African Americans in the country who have values that match the Republican party, just as there are mega rich white people who reject what the Republican party has become. Neither, however, extrapolate into a meaningful demographic.

    1. "Neither, however, extrapolate into a meaningful demographic."

      Nevertheless,,,brilliance should never be overlooked.

      1773-2009 All life is to be honored.

    2. "Neither, however, extrapolate into a meaningful demographic"

      That's what hard cores of both parties really think about the center....

    3. "all life is to be honored"

      On that score Dollar, I will agree 100%. I stand by what I said as a parting shot on MW, which is that I accept that everyone needs a say in governing, including and perhaps especially people I don't agree with.
