Thursday, August 16, 2012



America faces an existential crisis. Governments, at all levels, are burdened by unsustainable spending commitments. Our once mighty economic engine is creaking under the weight of onerous regulation and an antiquated tax system. The biggest unkept secret in Washington is that current government policy isn't working and needs an overhaul. Obama and the Democrats have offered meaningless gimmicks and platitudes to address these problems. Romney's bold pick of Rep. Paul Ryan today as his running mate sends a clear message that he and the GOP will offer a serious plan to reverse our country's decline. The debate for America begins today. 

Paul Ryan is the only politician who has come forward with a concrete and specific plan to clean up the government's fiscal mess. There may be quibbles with this or that part, but it is a real plan to reform our tax code and rescue our failing entitlements. As thanks, the Democrats and media have vilified and smeared Ryan. While offering no serious proposals of their own, the Democrats hide behind cheap rhetoric, hoping to deceive the voters one election cycle at a time. Romney's pick of Ryan signals that the GOP is ready for a serious discussion with the American people. 
The attacks on Ryan will be even more vicious and relentless than we've seen. The folks at BuzzFeed and Politico are already in hyperdrive, looking for angles to embarrass or smear Ryan. It isn't really any particular of his plan that they hate. What they fear is that his entire plan is based on one thing; freedom. Ryan's entire philosophy is built on pulling back the heavy hand of government to empower the American people to rebuild our proud nation. 
There will be plenty of time over the next few weeks to discuss Ryan and his commitment to freedom. Today, we should focus on what his elevation to vice-presidential candidate says about his running mate, Mitt Romney. Romney has been criticized as being overly slick. A politician who is evasive and offers only the most general and vague policy prescriptions for our problems. That line of argument hit its sell-by date today. 
More importantly, Romney's pick of Ryan signals that he wants to be a leader. He understands that America's current path will lead to economic ruin. Romney apparently believes that the American people understand this as well and are ready for a serious discussion on changing course. He is going to offer voters a choice. And its a choice that could not be more clear. 
The campaign became a lot more important today.


  1. Are we going to keep the mutt and become the The Communist States of America or are we going to kick the mutt out and return to our constitution and remain the United States of America - reclaim our super power status?

    1. The problem is I really do not see Romney bringing back the Constitution .... It is going to take our states making a stand and our US Congress - men like Allen West.

    2. You don't seriously believe that Romney is any more of a Constitutionalist than Obama do you? Obama made many high handed remarks about Bush's violations and usurpations of the bill of rights but has done nothing to remedy them... Do you really believe that a man who promoted the Mass. healthcare and gun control laws will backtrack and remedy on anything that Bush and Obama have accomplished in the name of federalism?

    3. No Scott, I don't believe RINO Romney will, but I think it will be better than living under the mutt for 4 more years. Besides, I have high hopes for Ryan keeping him in check.

    4. To me, Ryan is smoke and mirrors. He is to the constitution what Obama is to 'hope and change'. He has no moral, constitutional stance that I can find in any of his record.... I think that he will do what ever it takes to promote Paul Ryan and that will no doubt be to sell himself to the same corporatists that have their hands around the throat of America...
