Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama Report Card

Egypt - Failure Iran - Failure Libya - Failure Syria - Failure Afghanistan - Failure energy policy - Failure race relations - Failure cutting budget deficit in half as promised - FAILURE protecting American Rights from invasive treaty proposals? FAILURE pro business environment - Failure Welfare reform - Failure Fast and Furious - Failure Protecting our Southern Border - Failure Jobs - Failure Open to interpretation ObamaCare - Failure (IMHO) Gitmo - Failure according to progressives Double number of people on Food Stamps immigration reform Obama Phones Government Motors Promote Class Warfare - Success


  1. Wow, Live calls Obama a failure. Who woulda guessed that?

    1. I also think Ted Bundy was a serial killer. What's you point?

    2. Max,

      Do you consider Obama successful, overall? If so, why?


    3. Well Jean, I don't. But I don't agree with Live either. To me, success would be that he truly pushed for the things he said he would. He's done some of that, but in my opinion, has conceded way too much. Some of what Live said there is outright bullshit, but not every last point. At best, I am overall satisfied overall with the way he handled unplanned events that unfolded on his shift. I'm not satisfied on how he gave up on some fights, but at least I know the direction he will head if weakly while doing it.

  2. When Islamist that you installed because of your own foreign policy butt fucks, kills, and then drags our Ambassadpr's corpse through the streets for hours, you can objectively be called a failure.

    Relativism is bullshit. People are waking up
