Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Brings a whole new meaning to buying an election.

As of July:
Obama + Super Pac's
Raised  $690.1m
Spent    $615.6m 
Romney + Super Pac's.
Raised  $633.0m
Spent    $530.7m 
Little different this time as the money is about equal unlike 2008.


  1. We should just get over this. SCOTUS has made it very difficult to take money out of politics and I just don't see the voters being willing to be so agitated about this issue that they will vote for it as a single issue.

    If you had to choose between voting for a POTUS who will work on the debt or strive night and day to establish rules that block outside money from campaigns, who would you vote for?

  2. Hey Max,
    The SCOTUS ruling was probably correct. Prior to the ruling Unions were able to donate freely while corporations could not. I would gladly eliminate both from donating to campaigns.

    This will truly be the 2 billion dollar president.

    I would love to see a public financed campaign like McCain did in 2008. What was that, 160 million?
