Tuesday, November 27, 2012

100's of thousands rally to oust Egypts leader.

They are trying again to push a secular Democracy. Fat chance of that working because this time Obama and world leaders aren't trying to quick out the Muslim Brotherhood's puppet.


  1. Maybe we should sand them some money. 100 billion or so should help them as money is the answer to everything.


  2. I often thought how much would it take to buy out the North Korean government and military leaders and grant amnesty. you could give 1,000 top military leaders a million dollars each ($1 Billion). Tell Kim Jung-Un he can keep his billions. The average wage in North Korea is $500/year. You could pay the million man army $2000/each( $2 Billion ) So for a paltry $3 Billion South Korea takes over North Korea in a bloodless merger. How much do we spend in the Korean Peninsula every year? 3 Billion? More?

    1. Actually Live, I have to give you credit there, that's a rather logical way to look it. If we knew they would leave, I think we could easily kick that up to 10 billion and it would be money well spent.

      But, to your point Lou, you highlight the ridiculousness of what we have been doing in the middle east for decades. Bribing/installing puppet thugs is what we have been doing there for quite awhile. Does it really matter whether one allegedly supports Democracy or supports Muslim interests? I don't think it does.

    2. Good call Max. If the majority of citizens are Muslims then a democracy will automatically support Muslim interests. Some here seem to think that democracy and Muslim interests are mutually exclusive, which is far from the truth.

    3. My point is the US thinks everything can be solved with money and everyone should have the government we have. It's time we but out and let the world do what it will do. All countries will need to choose what kind of government they want. We have proven we don't particularly want a democratic Republic as it's all about us and not our country.

    4. Mega Ditto's Lou. A problem we will have of course is convincing enough people here to let go. Fear sells much better then Democracy.
