Friday, December 7, 2012

Thank you New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Tea Party Praises Gov. Christie for Health Insurance Exchange Bill Veto

Philadelphia, PA (December 6, 2012) -- The Independence Hall Tea Party, with thousands of members and friends in Central and South Jersey, is praising Governor Chris Christie, today, for vetoing the latest Health Insurance Exchange bill to reach his desk.

Governor Christie vetoed the bill with hours to spare before the deadline. 

"At least 21 states are now refusing to set up exchanges and we are glad 
Governor Christie has joined Governors John Kasich (R-OH), Scott Walker
(R-WI), and others in rejecting this burdensome feature of ObamaCare," said Association President Teri Adams.  

"The Governor has heeded the calls of our members and others throughout the state."  (See letter below.)

"Implementing a state Health Insurance Exchange could have prove extremely costly--especially when one considers the federal mandates that could apply," said Burlington County resident and Association Board Member Bill Green.

"We realize the Federal government will attempt to set up exchanges for states that refuse to do so.  But state refusal to implement exchanges will make the implementation of ObamaCare much more difficult."

"Without the assistance of the states, it's possible ObamaCare will be crushed by the weight of its own enormous burden," added Ms. Adams.

In the words of President Calvin Coolidge, "It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones."


  1. Benefits of not setting up the exchanges.

    1.) Avoid huge overhead and tens/hundreds of millions in startup/overhead creating a state exchange.

    2.) Employers dodge the $2,000 penalty if their state opts for Federal exchange.

    3.) Medicaid won't be expanded. That means
    a.) Your state lowlifes will move to another state with more gifts/goodies.
    b.) That means you won't go broke in a few years when you pick up 10% of the tab(ignoring the fact that its taxpayer money to begin with)

  2. Well, when OSHA was established, by federal law, the states were given the choice of setting up their own safetly and health administrations. Those that chose to do so, like Tennessee, soon discovered that it cost them much more than it would have if they had opted for the Federal program. I suspect the same will happen with Obamacare. The choice to not set up excanges by a state will not affect their participation in the program, in fact it will save them money in the end. That is what the good folks of NJ should celebrate.

  3. It may affect their participation as the SCOTUS gave the states the option of expanding Medicaid or to not expand it which is another major issue for the government to address. Where will all those that do not qualify for the exchange get their insurance is medicaid isn't available???

  4. 12/12/12

    Governor Tom Corbett announced, a few hours ago, that he is refusing to set up a Health Insurance Exchange in Pennsylvania--despite having accepted Federal funds to research and study the issue. (He will return the balance of the money not used.)

    He joins Republican Governors Chris Christie (who we also successfully lobbied), John Kasich (OH), Scott Walker (WI), and others from twenty states (and growing) in rejecting the idea of a state-run exchange.
