Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fiscal Cliff negotiations.

Since the Republicans are willing to generate 1 Trillion in taxes on the top 2%, the Dems should be willing to compromise on HOW those revenues are generated. i.e. limit deductions. In fact raising the marginal rates may do little to generate new revenue as people move towards tax free muni's OR capital gains tax. In that way, the Republican offer is superior. Geithner is being a complete A-hole. Obama is giving himself zero negotiating room by campaigning for higher marginal rates. Oh entitlement reform? Geithner says the Dems are offering entitlement reform.But social security and medicare are off the table, so exactly what reform are they talking about. The Obama admin wants to nail family farmers and their "subsidies" in red states to the tune of 1 trillion dollars. Such a nice guy. BTW, Warren Buffet has lost his marbles. He should demand entitlement reform. BTW, Entitlement reform is just another way to screw the rich so he should be all for it. Means testing, later retirement age, higher medicare premiums for the "wealthy" i.e. those who earn more than $250,000 a year.(or maybe it will be lower)


  1. Does the fact that Obama is able to find 1 trillion dollars in farm subsidies not alarm you just a teensy bit,especially considering that taking away 1 trillion will not end them at all? He's stealing that from family farmers? That's a dubious proposition that's hardly descriptive of even a majority of subsidies.

    Again, your agenda, hate SS, hate medicare, hate raising taxes on wealthy.

    1. Max

      Do you consider the concept of subsidizing farmers as a just and reasonable program? The subsidies come from the wealth (or the debit level) of the nation and are used to prop up those farmers who are too inefficient to support themselves. The damage done to world economies without subsidies is immense. Europe is as much to blame as the US and nations such as Australia and New Zealand where subsidies are not paid, suffer from the inefficiencies of those who do. Dumping has been a problem in the past and our export markets are affected. There is a free trade agreement in operation between Australia and USA but some products including farm produce is not covered, or so I believe.
      Cheers from an ancient and unsubsidized Aussie

    2. No Kingston, I don't consider it just, especially when you drill down into where the money goes. Factory farming, has little to do with farming and everything to do with using chemicals and brutal manipulation (torture?) of livestock to get insane yields. For decades, we have overproduced because of these methods and then the big agricultural companies who own the farms go looking for a handout when supply drives the price down. It is pure insanity.

      The "Family Farm" in America is a misnomer at best. Family farmers have been driven off their land or have had to sell their land and become just a worker on land they used to own and til themselves. I see organic apples in my grocery store here that come from New Zealand. How ridiculous is that? Of course, to criticize the overuse of chemicals and hormones that lead to overproduction is to be a communist who hates the free market. Surprisingly, to criticize the subsidies that help continue the practice of overproduction is nothing but an attack on "Red" or Republican states where much of the agriculture is grown. As I'm sure you know Kingston, everything in this country is political. Much of our farm subsidy money is nothing more then enrichment of grafters.

  2. I thought the only things on the table from The Hindmost were a 1.6T tax increase and something like 0.4B in spending cuts, except for another 50B stimulus. From Boehner, 0.8B in revenue increases.

    Sitting and watching from the sidelines.


  3. What negotiations?
    My way or the highway and the highway looks better everyday.

    1. John Boehnor last time around - I got 98% of what I want, I'm a happy guy.

    2. Let's send it all in.

      Obama can use what he needs then send the any leftovers back.

      No needs to project any budgets.

      If he is short he can raise the debt limit.

      The Fed can print as much as he needs to close any gaps.

      We can eliminate the House and the Senate. Just think how much that will save.

      Just let him and his executives run everything. They are doing such a good job already I don't see why we just don't trust them with everything else.

      The American people obviously would agree with this.

      After all, he did get 50.9% of the popular vote.

    3. Harry Reid. I passed nothing for the last 2 years and nothing is getting by me for the next 2 years. Grid lock is my friend and it's all the Republicans fault.
