Thursday, December 6, 2012


Let's see. A proven dictator now holds the Egyptian Presidency. There are pro-Democracy supporters protesting in the streets. The Egyptian military has been called in. pro-Democracy supporters are dying in the streets. WHERE'S OBAMA? ISN'T THIS IDENTICAL TO THE ARAB SPRING? Shouldn't the United States be supporting these students and pro-Democracy advocates? Obama's answer to that is no. Now radical Islamists have been ensconced in power and Sharia law is the basis of their new Constitution. No longer is Egypt secular. Morsi prays for the destruction of Israel. Evidently that is more favorable than supporting the pro-Democracy protesters in Egypt.


  1. A sidebar issue: I never did understand the national security interest (or other reason it was int he U. S. interest) to oust Ghadaffi. I realize Egypt was a different matter.


    1. In a word.... Gold. Ghadaffi, although only a small producer of oil, was moving toward selling oil for gold, thus moving away from dollar denominated transactions....

    2. TS,

      Sorry, but I still don't get it. How important would that have been. It isn't as if Libya is a big player. Unless you' of the opinion that others would follow suit. Even so, they can attempt to do that now, no?


    3. They can and the will Jean but this is the efforts of a government finance and world credibility held together by its reserve currency. Ghadaffi was the first to sound serious about circumventing the dollar denominated oil.... Now we have India and looks like China who will sidestep sanctions by paying Iran for oil in gold.. The US is finding itself in a tighter and tighter corner 'cause people can talk about the feds ability to print unlimited amounts of currency but that will only work if the rest of the world is willing to trade in a worthless currency....

  2. Ghadaffi was contained, and Ghadaffi contained his radicals. The best National Security decision would have been no action. However, Obama had a personal agenda. What the exact nature of the agenda no one knows for certain.

  3. This morning's news reported that the Egyptian military are threatening to intervene if the disruption continues. The more things change the more they stay the same.
