Thursday, December 20, 2012

Global Warming? Not in Russia... Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits

Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius. Dozens of people have already died, and almost 150 have been hospitalized.
­The country has not witnessed such a long cold spell since 1938, meteorologists said, with temperatures 10 to 15 degrees lower than the seasonal norm all over Russia.
Across the country, 45 people have died due to the cold, and 266 have been taken to hospitals. In total, 542 people were injured due to the freezing temperatures, RIA Novosti reported.
The Moscow region saw temperatures of -17 to -18 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, and the record cold temperatures are expected to linger for at least three more days. Thermometers in Siberia touched -50 degrees Celsius, which is also abnormal for December.

Twinsdad's comments:

Global Warming is a leverage issue.  The U.N. is using it and the U.S. Democrats and liberals are using it too.  History tells us that our globe has gone thru numerous climate changes, with or without the press and the politicians.  None of us will live long enough to be the judge of this issue, not even the MSM....


  1. TD, global warming is real. Every legitimate scientists who has studied the research results agrees. You are confusing climate with weather, I fear. In fact, Russia has experienced more climatic warming than any other country. Here is the link:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. T.D and Mick.
    TD is quite happy to blame the Democrats for global warming and the Liberals also get painted with the same broad sweep of the brush. Mick asks us to believe in global warming because every "legitimate" scientist agrees. From this I assume that all scientists who disagree with Mick are not legit.
    What simplistic arguments we see on a daily basis. Normally, it is the fault of the Political Party with which we disagree and the argument quickly grows to encompass every decision made or rejected by the government. This is the government elected by those not too tired on Election Day to arise from their gluteus maximus muscles and get to the polling place.
    There is something wrong with our systems when functionality is subsumed by fear of failure. The man (or the government) who has not made a mistake, has never made anything.

    TD of course has touched on the truth when he tells us that "None of us will live long enough to be the judge of this issue, not even the MSM....” My question however is what will our kids and our grandkids say to their families as they suffer the effects of climate change?
    As the primary species on earth, perhaps we should collectively try to find broad agreement on a global level and then proceed, also on a global level, towards partial rectification, it is I fear, too late for a cure!
    Cheers from Aussie

    1. "TD is quite happy to blame the Democrats for global warming and the Liberals also get painted with the same broad sweep of the brush"

      I don't blame the democrats for global warming, I blame the sun.

      I blame the democrats for using "global warming" to pass false legislation

    2. Kingston my friend, by legitimate scientists I mean those people who have academjc credentials and are active in research and/or teaching in the field, as opposed to those "experts" who have no academic credentials in the field. Global warming is real, over 6000 weather stations all over the planet report the same thing, an average increase in global temperature. That's not the point of contention. The point of contention is to what degree is this phenomenon due to human activity. That is what the debate should be about, not whether global warming exists.

    3. Hahahaha You realize that the data of those weather stations have been HEAVILY compromised right? They are supposed to be built away from man made heat sources like oh Air Conditioner coils, parking lots, exhaust vents and that data is still being used in the calculations.

    4. What if the global warming experts are wrong and we embark on a global cooling crusade that causes a global cooling spiral?

      Mick, are your experts going to guarantee that this won't happen?

    5. Again, the debate is a waste of our collective time. There has only been about thirty years of satelite data, in thirty years the sun will go through two 11 year cycles each of which will have cooling and warming peaks and valleys. Its not man, it's the sun. It is only the egos of the science community that require us to ignore the sun itself as the sole cause.

    6. Solar cycles were taken into account. No one has ignored the sun.

  4. I agree with Mick, with the proviso that the data supporting a warming trend is vetted. Man-made effects would have to be STRONGLY vetted before a colossal change in living, and living standards, proceeds much further, yes?


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. WM, we are incapable of controlling natural cycles, that is not being proposed. What we can do is limit the human produced emissions which are upseting the natural balance, as we have largely done by eliminating Freon emissions which affect the ozone layer. Jean, I agree with you.

    1. And what exactly is the "natural balance" Mick? And what are you proposing to limit "human produced emissions" Mick?

      Why don't you start us off and cut your electricity usage by 90%? Better yet why don't you eliminate your electricity usage by 100%?

      After all Mick wasn't the "natural balance" pre-Edison the ideal? Go out and cut some wood, spin some yarn, milk your own cow.

  7. These links are from my phone so I'm not sure how they will work on a PC. But here's the sun, according to NASA, during the same week of August comparing 2009 to 2012.

    Whether or not climate or weather is affected by carbon is still largely debateable, but I can tell you for certain that still not just about freon. Here, let Bill Gates tell you what's up:

    Carbon emissions to ZERO! Guess what that means? Too many of you useless breathers/breeders.

    I'll tell you, the libs are all over the place with mutually exclusive positions. I mean, why ban guns if you think guns kill people and you believe people need to die to save the planet? What? You don't think people have to die to save the planet? Well, then you're just not with the program, are you now?

    1. War is peace.

      Freedom is slavery.

      Ignorance is strength.

      Progressive doublespeak.

      Protect life, except when it's in the womb.

      Rail about resource usage while depleting resources.
