Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hillary Clinton to testify on Benghazi on "Get Away Day."


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. / AP Photo

Amid ongoing questions about the September violence in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads to Capitol Hill next week to testify on the matter, appearing before both House and Senate committees to answer questions about the sequence of events that led up to the attacks, and how the State Department hopes to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Later in the day, Clinton will testify to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the findings of a State Department review of the circumstances surrounding the attacks.
To date, Clinton has largely stayed above the fray of controversy that has dogged the Obama administration surrounding the attacks, even while UN ambassador Susan Rice, a top contender to take her place as Secretary of State, has become mired in criticism.


  1. Since it appears that Congress will remain in DC during Christmas week haggling over the fiscal cliff this should be interesting and linger.

    Hillary Benghazi Clinton, has a nice ring to it.


  2. Susan Rice has withdrawn from consideration.

    1. Another hand folded by Obama. I gotta hand it to Republicans, they understand very well that you have nothing to lose when you are out of power and by default, have enormous power because you are responsible for nothing.

      SPLAT! Another shovel full of shit has just hit the wall the stuck.

  3. Why would the Ambassador to the U.N. have any logistical knowledge of the security arrangements at the U.S. embassy in Libya? And why would the Obama admin lie? They may have been clueless, but deliberately deceitful?

    This reeks of political grandstanding. I think, as Max said before, the Pubs are looking for Obama's "blue dress" ...

    1. It's been over three months since our people were killed. The blue ribbon commission detailed with filing a report will find a way to delay until Hillary Benghazi Clinton is back in private life.

      Another case of cover up based on political considerations. Susan Rice was a simple mouthpiece who got used along with the generals and their girlfriends.

      And I agree, the administration is clueless.

    2. Cover up? Really? To what end?

      Again, clueless, maybe. But cover up? I don't think so.

      As for the 4 deaths of US personnel 3 months ago, well yeah, it's a tragedy and it sucks.

      But where, pray tell, is the rabid outrage for the over 300+ US personnel that have been killed (arguably needlessly) in Afghanistan in 2012 alone?

      Methinks the partisans and Obama haters are cherry-picking their tragedies in nothing more than an effort to fling political poo.

      Again, they're looking for Obama's blue dress.

    3. The header of the post concerns Hillary plunky. She is the Sec of State after all. And yes it does suck that our people weren't supported, it sucks big time.

      Let's just get past this Big man Obama, I killed all the terrorists nonsense. Hillary and BO have double handedly lost the entire Middle East.

      How's those facts for a pile of poo?

    4. "How's those facts for a pile of poo?" Simplistic, myopic, and corollary - Dubiously debatable, at the very least, and I think you're smart enough to know it! Quit acting like a ditz. You're better than that, DI.

      First you were using the Benghazi incident to railroad Obama's presumed nominee for State - someone who obviously had nothing to do with anything in Libya. Now's she's out and you're pinning it on Billary, the possible Dem nominee for Prez in '16. And, of course, you're looking for anything you can to fuck Obama up - S.O.P.

      I find it somewhat sick that people use the death of 4 Americans to do nothing more than stir up a make-believe political shitstorm, particularly while expressing such "outrage" about those deaths.

      You know what's funny? I don't even like Obama. I didn't vote for him this year and wouldn't if he ran again. But I often find myself defending him from the constant barrage of irrational bullshit that gets flung at him.

      As I stated earlier on another thread, I think it's this kind of fact-free attack from the Right on Obama - the most beatable incumbent since Carter - that handed him an easy victory on Election Day.

    5. Pfunky,

      Susan Rice could very well have been kept in the dark about Benghazi, and told to read the papers she was given as far as 'facts to date' were concerned. That would have provided here with defensible reasons to say she wasn't lying. I don't buy that she was clueless, but let that go.

      You do remember, don't you, the victory dances and the DNC crowing about AQ being on the run? And a week later, on the 11th anniversary, the atacks occurring? No motivation for the obama campaign to try and cover up the attack as anything but a spontaneous reaction to this stupid film? No concern about embarrassment? And the worst part? To solidify the scam at the beginning, going to Las Vegas, when the lousy, stinking creep KNEW people had been killed?


    6. pfunky, we patiently await the blue ribbon commission's report. I assume that will probably be announced on leap year. The facts remain what they are, four American's dead. We simply want to know what happened, unfiltered by media enhanced "fog of war."

      These questions would need answering during any administration not just Obama's. The Susan Rice red herring was a quaint diversion. Obviously everyone in Washington uses air brained mouthpieces to deliver sensitive doublespeak information to the proles and she fit the bill perfectly.

      The generals and their girlfriends also made the main street media wet themselves. After all, didn't Kennedy and Eisenhower also have peccadilloes? Boy's will be boy's!

      And as for this poor slump that produced this inane video, he'll probably rot in jail. Government policy by Hollywood.

      Hey pfunks, Obama has been, and is, my president. I've lived through LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Billy the molester Clinton. I understand where the majority in this country is coming from, they want free stuff. The want the government to provide it, and they want the free money to get it.

      I understand all that.

      That's why I'm fighting so hard. I know we can do better.

      1773-2009 We owe it to our children and grandchildren.

    7. The report's gonna probably conclude that there was a failure in security - which will be more than enough to send the Right screaming in their obligatory phony outrage that there was a conspiracy and nothing less than Clinton's or Obama's head will be enough as recompense.

      If Susan Rice was a "red herring", it was the Right that made her one. Go bitch to John McCain.

      As far as the "cause" of the incident - well I blame many things. The ME is a power keg and has been for many reasons for the last 60 years or so, so there are many things I blame - not the least of which are crazy Islamic fundamentalists.

      Whether it was an organized terrorist attack, a movie trailer, a book criticizing Islam, or a comic strip that portrays Mohammed, doesn't really matter. Crazy Islamic fundamentalists want to kill Westerners for reasons both real and imagined. If the U.S. wants to place personnel in the heart of the powder keg, than sometimes they're gonna killed.

      You see, to me, blaming the incident on a lack of security is akin to blaming the mallcop for the shooting incident by the crazy grad student at the Batman movie last summer. Crazy is as crazy does.

      The U.S. puts these people in harm's way all over the world. Most of the time they live. Sometimes they don't. It's the ongoing price of Empire maintenance.

      Again, where's the outrage over the 300+ U.S. citizens that have been killed in Afghanistan this year - in an action that even it's most ardent supporters (the few that there are) can't articulate a mission or purpose for us being there at this point?

      Again, the "outrage" over Benghazi appears to be nothing more than a political witch hunt to those without a vested interest in seeing Obama fail.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. "Again, where's the outrage over the 300+ U.S. citizens that have been killed in Afghanistan this year"

      I agree pfunky. Where o where are the daily body counts that we used to see plastered on the front page of every daily newspaper during the good old days of GW43?

      I pine for the days of the light foot print.

      BTW, comparing soldiers in theater to the protection of an ambassador in a consulate is asinine.

    10. "I agree pfunky. Where o where are the daily body counts that we used to see plastered on the front page of every daily newspaper during the good old days of GW43?" --

      -- All over the internet. There are barely any newspapers anymore and we, the drooling consumers of the media, don't like hearing/reading about the icky stuff anymore. Try Google. That's how I got the info.

      "BTW, comparing soldiers in theater to the protection of an ambassador in a consulate is asinine." --

      -- In terms of logistics and degree of difficulty, sure. I agree.

      But when discussing the "why" something occurred, in these cases the motivation of the assailants, I think it's perfectly appropriate.

      Those people in the movie theater died because a crazy person was determined to kill them. Those folks in Benghazi died because some crazy people were determined to kill them.

      Doesn't the blame fall on said crazy people?

      Or is the theater incident the Governor of Colorado's fault like you assert that Benghazi is Clinton's and/or Obama's fault?

    11. As a Colorado resident it cannot be the governors fault as he is all but invisible. We do prefer it that way as he's a bit of an idiot.

      We had a surplus this year in Colorado. Instead of saving it, he gave the state workers a raise. Colorado's state workers are paid 25% more than the surrounding state's employees.

      Sorry, had to rant a bit before I have a glass of wine, my own brew and lighten up a bit.

    12. Plunky, the people in the movie theater had no idea a madman was arriving. Obama and Hillary darn well better know that terrorists are out to kill Americans.

      The terrorists in their own mind don't consider themselves crazy.

  4. Question was, why would Susan Rice know about specifics of Benghazi?

    That alone is a rabbit hole. But help yourself by asking why Obama would choose her to go on the dis-information circuit?

    The maybe ask what the UN's interest is in the Syrian revolt and what that might have to do with Stevens.

    Geez, I can't believe this thread considering the absolute massive amounts of information that is out regarding it.

    I'm actually weary of Benghazi already, but let me just toss some stuff out:

    Here's Stevens and Gadaffi

    Old chums doncha know.

    Now put on your critical thinking caps. What does Petreaus, Ham, and Gaoette have to do with

    Perhaps the Broadwell scandal was just dog wagging.

  5. Geez, Hillary is getting long in the tooth.
