Friday, March 27, 2015

Ron Paul supporters turn their backs on Rand Paul

Rand Paul, Kentucky senator and expected Republican presidential contender.

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Rand Paul is facing defections from an unexpected quarter: the idealists who powered his father Ron’s presidential campaigns.
Instead of embracing the younger Paul as he pulls together his expected presidential campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire, many of the grass-roots activists who backed Ron Paul are turning their backs on his son. The problem, writes Politico, is their disillusionment with Rand Paul’s concession to mainstream politics. The chairman of Ron Paul’s 2012 Iowa campaign, for example, says the younger Paul is “moderating” on many key stances.


  1. Ha just as I stated a few months ago. Rand Paul and others have to scurry to the center to win an election. I also stated that he would not be liked by the tea party when he got there. This is getting good already.

  2. All children are Libertarians. They think that they should be able to live without restrictions or rules. So, if we could pass legislation giving children the right to vote in national elections, Ron Paul would be President for Life. Unfortunately for him, most adults know better, and his son knows this.
