Monday, March 9, 2015

Conservative GOP 2016 Poll

Here are the results of the second GOP 2016 poll. I’ll post some analysis later today. Below you’ll see the Name of the candidate, followed by their rank, average score, and grade. 
Name Rank / Avg /Grade Lindsey Graham 32 59.36 F Jeb Bush 31 62.07 D- Chris Christie 30 62.44 D- Peter King 29 63.47 D Jon Huntsman, Jr. 28 65.45 D Jim Gilmore 27 66.45 D Bob Ehrlich 26 66.57 D George Pataki 25 66.57 D Newt Gingrich 24 68.52 D+ Rob Portman 23 69.39 D+ Mike Huckabee 22 69.67 D+ Kelly Ayotte 21 69.72 D+ Donald Trump 20 70.11 C- John Thune 19 70.31 C- Susana Martinez 18 72.04 C- Mitt Romney 17 72.38 C- John Kasich 16 73.62 C Mike Pence 15 73.81 C Nikki Haley 14 76.81 C Carly Fiorina 13 76.81 C Paul Ryan 12 77.42 C+ John Bolton 11 77.54 C+ Rick Santorum 10 78.28 C+ Sarah Palin 9 79.8 C+ Marco Rubio 8 81.32 B- Rick Perry 7 81.72 B- Bobby Jindal 6 84.95 B Rand Paul 5 86.93 B Dr. Ben Carson 4 87.24 B+ Allen West 3 87.64 B+ Scott Walker 2 92.07 A- Ted Cruz 1 92.27 A-



  1. I think this poll is more realistic:

    or this one .

  3. I think a stripper pole has more intelligence than that list of douche bags at the top.

    1. If you would have said douche bag politicians in general, I would have agreed as the other side of the isle has it's own set of morons and idiots.

      The common factor, American are beyond naive, gullible when it comes to what politicians say.

      p.s. Almost 2 years left before the next election. Some people are more anxious that other to kick off the 16 election. Me, 3 months before the election is more than enough time to listen to their blather.

    2. "Me, 3 months before the election is more than enough time to listen to their blather."

      Same for me, but the reality is pretty certain you and I are going to vote in a very predictable way, which means that even that 3 month period is basically a waste of time.

  4. I think we should arrest all the Congressmen who signed the letter to Netanyahu and hang them as traitors. That would certainly narrow down the field, don't you think?

    1. Every time I think we have reached the end of the rabbit hole, we find a way to drop even further into darkness. There simply are not words strong enough to describe the rage that a small segment of America feels towards Obama. No matter what observation I make, it will be dismissed as just left trashing right. Regardless, this bullshit, IMO, all started when Clinton was POTUS. It's one thing to be critical and at times even disrespectful. This shit with Netanyahu, however, has gone far beyond any acceptable standard. Yet, this will probably seem quaint another six months from now when these assholes find some new way to show the world their ignorance.

    2. The letter signed by the 47 Senators was actually sent to the Iranians. They are on notice that any agreement signed by Obama - Kerry is temporary unless reviewed and agreed to by congress. They have a better understanding about how our Constitution works and that we, unlike them, are not run by the whims of a dictator.

    3. The reality you will never acknowledge is that if Obama or someone like Elizabeth Warren pulled a similar stunt, your head would explode with outrage. I doubt any law was broken, but the petulance of this stunt sets a very bad president. It's one thing to be stupid asshole and work to undue everything Obama did when he is no longer president. It's another entirely to be such a fucking vindictive little twat that you use your elective office to openly seek to disrespect the office of the president of the United States.

      The Iranian response shows how ignorant these little shits are.
