Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Gone Viral. "This time there is nothing she can do."


"From the Whitewater Scandal to Benghazi to Emailgate, Hillary’s time in national politics has been spent in constant scandal. The media refuses to discuss the dirty deeds of their favorite candidate, while she has escaped legal consequences due to a large legal team and constant intimidation of anyone who speaks out. This viral video finally gives Americans the information that they need to make an informed decision about Hillary Clinton and may even land her in court with felony charges. This time, there is nothing she can do."


  1. If the claim is that the liberal media is ignoring important stories, I guess we need to consider the other links available on that page as well, such as a link to historical creepy pics that will leave the reader speechless, a link to pictures of what cute actresses from the 80's look like today, hottest cheerleaders most embarrassing moments, and a link to pictures of people you didn't know existed, like a two headed woman.

    We may not be able to judge a book by its cover, but with the internet, it's a much different story. Hillary may be everything evil that you think she is William, and she's not remotely my first choice for anything, but that doesn't negate the fact that a substantial amount of shit flung against the wall about her from Republicans is just that, a mountain of shit flung in hopes that something, ANYTHING will stick.

    1. As I have said before HRC could murder Obama on the the White House lawn and you wouldn't be concerned. Push comes to shove max you and millions of progressives vote for her regardless.

      Trump opens up his ad program next week. If HRC attacks I would pay money to watch him take her(and billy) apart limb by limb. He just doesn't care. That's the beauty of his candidacy.

      This will be a heavyweight bout with no decisions. Only a knockout by one side or the other will occur. BLOOD BATH.


    2. I've said before William, the only thing that guarantees my vote for Hillary is a Trump ticket. Your premise that I am unconcerned is wrong. What bothers you is that I continue to be unmoved by the bullshit that you claim is sooooooooooooooooooo important. She is not a good candidate and if elected, she will undoubtedly inspire countless investigations at the expense of the tax payer. We need a leader right now, but we will not get one, because we don't deserve one. What we will get is someone who matches your last para, which is to say someone who satisfies our bloodthirst.

    3. I agree that this is a made for TV slugfest. I'm not a Trump supporter but we need to once and for all have someone put a steak through the Clinton's hearts.

      Hillary is a cancer within the body politic. Trump is Achilles. I disagree, we deserve neither. We will get one.

    4. And then what? Again William, I don't follow the logic that says we can just get rid of the person we feel embodies all evil in mankind and somehow be freed of the element within mankind that allowed their rise to power. The endless Jihads against Hillary are raising money, but they are becoming like a roving televangilist show that moves from town to town and sucks money out of the populous while leaving nothing of value in it's wake. You may still get your wish that HIllary is gone, and you will still be unhappy.

    5. If she is gone then perhaps the Democrats can find one candidate out of a set of three hundred and twenty five million Americans. Just one.

    6. They would still be a Democrat, and hence, in your eyes, unacceptable choices to run the country. Do you disagree?

    7. Both parties are predominately progressives.

  2. Can't seem to pull the video. Has it been cenored?

    1. Get out! The call is coming from inside the house!

    2. 9,000 more emails to be released tomorrow on New Year's Eve. 10,000 were released on Christmas Eve.

  3. 19000 emails and counting Wil and what do you know that you didn't know in 2012. Nothing, nothing.

    1. And the families of those slain know nothing either.

    2. Have you read some of the emails or do you ignore them as does the media? Do you assume that they have nothing of value to offer? Ignore Benghazi.

      Does it matter that classified information which she denied is the reality on the server?

      When taken outside Benghazi, what do the emails prove?

      Did Hillary pass sensitive information via her server? Is this acceptable for a person that seeks the highest office to be so lackadaisical?

      Did Hillary lie about erasing only personal emails?

      To what extent did Hillary hide the truth about the contents of the server?

      A question for you Rick, is there anything that Hillary could do that would disqualify her from the presidency? Are lies and the lack of integrity enough to disqualify her from the highest office? Nixon lied and was removed from office. Are our standards so low today that it no longer matters?

      Should the American people say, so what, what difference does it make?

    3. When it comes to lying Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like a piker.

    4. After one hundred years Hillary is the best that the progressives have to offer.

    5. The Republicons have their own issues.
