Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Intolerance of the Tolerant Ones...

It turns out no one wants to hear what Khloe Kardashian has to say about the protests in Baltimore.
On Monday, as the protests turned to riots, the 30-year-old reality star took to Instagram to share message that read "Pray for Baltimore":

It seems that the post was not well received and less than 30 minutes later the star vented her frustration via Twitter:

While the star's post was innocuous enough, sometimes it's best not to say anything at all.

Perhaps its time to call out the REAL haters, bigots and racists ..... the ones who are really causing all the trouble....


  1. Most of what passes for tolerance today is not tolerance at all, but rather intellectual cowardice. Those who hide behind the myth of neutrality are often afraid of intelligent engagement. Unwilling to be challenged by alternate points of view, they don't engage contrary opinions or even consider them. It's easier to hurl an insult--"you intolerant bigot"--than to confront the idea and either refute it or be changed by it. "Tolerance" has become intolerance.

  2. Perhaps you could enlighten us with who, exactly, the real haters are.

    In a random walk through media sources of ABC and NBC morning news today, I saw footage of a mother smacking the crap out of her black son for being there throwing rocks and instigating unrest. (hey look, a fox new link

    While watching MSNBC briefly last night, I heard them actually praising the police force for not confronting the crowd with weapons and for not endlessly tear gassing the crowd. They also gave them props for putting a curfew in place. Obama has denounced the violence although I'm sure there is something wrong with that.

    I'm not watching this as close as Ferguson, but I have to say it looks different. In this case, the mayor is actually black. The police chief is black. By the time I went to bed last night, the curfew seemed to be holding. Here is a colorfully titled story from Breitbart time will tell whether Breitbarts site is actually correct. In contrast to Ferguson, I believe the black people who live in Baltimore have a bigger stake in the outcome. Near as I can tell, there is plenty of criticism from people of color directed at the people looting and throwing rocks. Is there any level that can satisfy white people looking in from the outside?

    As for Kardashian, perhaps it's not fair to rip into her for posting what I hope was a heartfelt sentiment. Admittedly, I really don't care what any media star has to say about this. I hope that for the sake of the people who live there and for all people of color, Baltimore can be some sort of turning point that makes the asshole story on Breitbart look like the pure slime that it is.

  3. Salon’s take:


    Praising a mom for beating her son suggests only violence can discipline black kids. And she doesn't feel heroic

    I don’t think she is a hero… I think that she was doing what a mom should… I think it is damned well time that we put away the old tattered Dr. Spock book and admit that we have been just a touch short on discipline and a bit long on praise. My dad always told me that whatever trouble I go into outside the house I could count on double when I got home…. Now I could just laugh at him as child protective services and daddy government is more than ready to break up a family based on someone else’s idea of parenting… This isn't about beating black kids its about active parenting and sometimes a pat on the head doesn't always send the appropriate message.

    Of course in it article on several occasions they had to remind their liberal audience that it was ‘black kids’ that ‘white people’ were talking about.

    And then the author ends with this bit of tripe…
    “I’m aware that a lot of African Americans are lauding Graham, too. This piece isn’t directed at them. Whether they applaud or critique Graham’s corporal punishment, most black people debating the issue acknowledge that the desperate public beating came from centuries of black parents knowing they have to discipline their children harshly, or else white society will do it for them – and they may not survive it.”

    What a bunch of horseshit!

    1. "I think it is damned well time that we put away the old tattered Dr. Spock book and admit that we have been just a touch short on discipline and a bit long on praise. My dad always told me that whatever trouble I go into outside the house I could count on double when I got home…. "
      TS At last something upon which we have no need to argue about, I totally agree!. We have been getting coverage here both on the National (Government funded) TV and the Commercial Channels. The National channel gives more in depth coverage and the footage is all too familiar, The Commercial lot show the “Newsworthy” images,(their term) and the disciplinary measures taken by the mother are played and replayed over a few trite comments. We then have talking heads analyze the footage and do a hatchet job on the mother.

      With the short notes I have been adding lately as to what I want to see for America, I desperately want to say something about the racism situation as it is seen abroad. Unfortunately, I have too much respect for my American friends to offer my views; not so much because I may offend, but because I perceive the problem to be so long standing and extreme that it will take several more generations before true equality is possible. Over the years I have been lucky enough to have both colored and white friends. One thing is certain, they are all the same color in the night and perhaps we should look at the situation in this light as a start point. Having said that, what would be our reaction if one of our children wanted to marry a person of opposite color? I think this may be a true test of racial tolerance.

      When I arrived in Australia in 1952 there was the US and the THEM mentality. If a person was white Anglo Saxon then he was one of US. If Greek or Italian a WOG,if Central European a Polak or a Reffo and if a native aboriginal or of aboriginal ancestry as part of a mixed race, he was a Bloody Boong. After Vietnam there was an influx of Vietnamese immigrants and these were known as Slopes. There was little overt antagonism between the various races but it took a long time before we developed the ability to live together in a multi racial society. We are better for the experience and so many of the customs and habits of the Wogs and the Slopes have been integrated into our culture. Many races are now represented in the National and State Parliaments and our Democracy is the better for it.

      Over the years there has emerged a culture among some of the immigrants to invent self deprecating comedy. This, given its national coverage on TV has done much to strip away the prejudice and we somehow have all managed to laugh at ourselves. We currently have a new problem in that the influx of Muslims are just beginning their journey of assimilation, they too will succeed and in twenty years we shall look back and wonder what the fuss was all about.

      Cheers from Aussie


  4. Freddie Gray's neighborhood compared to the US
    The challenges faced by the mostly black community of Sandtown-Winchester/Harlem Park in Baltimore are much more pervasive than they are nationwide.

    Sandtown-Winchester/Harlem Park

    Black population
    Household poverty
    Unemployment rate
    Household income less than $25,000
    SOURCE: US Census

  5. Since this is about intolerance… I thought I would share this article about Ted Cruz from the Daily Kos… they rip him up for sidestepping the opportunity to argue against gay marriage… with all the normal comments of … “what’s he got to hide”… “wonder how he feels about other men”… etc etc.

    And yet, not two days ago I mentioned the fact that the gay community ripped two of their own for meeting with Cruz. These two openly gay business men who are known contributors to the Democratic party, have charities for AIDS and HIV and own the only two openly gay hotels in the country were boycotted, had future business cancels and even after they apologized had demonstrators in front of their hotel.

    The left has such an identity crisis and is so self loathing that they will eat their own… What business man with a cause and has the attention of a potential president of the US, whether they agree on policy or not, does not take the opportunity to sit down and talk… Then again, what self-respecting person would apologize to these morons for doing so… in less of course they know that these morons are ravenous, rabid, intolerant thugs that would mobilize suppressed and victimized gay community to literally bankrupt these guys…..
    And guess what… neither the Daily Kos, Huffpo or Salon had anything to say about it….

    1. You know TS, I do have to agree that the left does have an identity crisis. On the one hand, you have a true progressive in someone like Elizabeth Warren, and then you have moderate Republican Hillary Clinton who Rand Paul cleverly ripped today by mentioning she supported Bills policies in the 90's that have become disasters and now wants to do something different.

      It should be clear what the left stands for, and it really isn't.

    2. I gotta give credit where credit is due... Ya gotta love the way the left operates though... it will categorize common sense approach to of libertarian types as extreme right while the extreme right will class them as socially liberal meanwhile the left will remake their once upon a time superheroine Hillary, who no one on the right would ever vote for, and call her a 'moderate republican'… all so they (you) can rebrand your extremist radical left as some form of moderate....

      All the while neglecting to take to task the duality and stupidity of your own, well to the left movements….Or can’t you because even democrats have been shut out of the discussion with these groups by the political correctness brigade?

      I call... BS.

    3. Hillary a moderate Repub?

      You can't just make stuff up like that, read that in the latest leftist/progressive rag as the left scrambles to repair the self damage Hilly continues to do on a daily basis?

      But then again this is a perfect example of the educated voters in America.

      Interesting how a political animal can change their color of liberal progressive to a brand new centrist only to return to their roots of being a progressive. People like yourself painted Bama as a centrist and he couldn't be or ever has been anything but a progressive.

    4. While you both clean your computer screen after histrionically spitting some fluid all over it, the reality is that this assessment is not so far fetched. Hillary grew up a Republican and during the 90's, it was her husband who signed off on repeal of Glass/Steagall, NAFTA, welfare reform and so on. Basically, the policies that have helped create many of the economic inequalities we have today. She is as connected to money as the rest of them. Make of that whatever you will.

      In your end of the political sphere TS, I don't really see much difference. There's people like yourself who believe that when it comes to understanding the constitution, you are the guy with one eye in the land of the blind. Either people agree 100%, or they are just progressives fleecing America. I appreciate the simplicity and smugness of that view because you can always stay above the rest of us ignorant unwashed masses looking for a handout. yeah, the left has no shortage of equally pedantic ivory tower types, but at the end of the day, in the real world, we have to cast a vote. At that time, one has to acknowledge the reality that we are not going to get perfection and we need to make some type of objective assessment of the person who actually IS on the ballot rather than the right or left purist who was left in the dust of primaries. I call BS on your assertion that no one calls out the convenient and dualistic positions that people like Hillary take. You want it both ways. First you say no one holds them accountable, and when we do you claim it is a nefarious plot to paint someone as extreme so that some further left candidate can be painted as moderate. BS indeed.

      I can understand how Hillary is a communist from both of your point of view. That's not saying much to me though as you will say that about any Democrat running. Despite the likelihood that I would not vote for Rand Paul, I still find it quite possible to accept when he speaks truth about something despite TS's Godlike pronouncement that nobody can accept common sense when they see it. Obama a pure progressive Lou? When you look at the entire body of his work, that's a little silly.

    5. And BTW, countless Democrats signed off on the "get tough on crime" policies that were passed in the 90's. The same policies that have helped stuff our prisons to well over 2 million people and that also disproportionately incarcerated people of color. So yeah, when Hillary talks the shit she did yesterday, I hope people like Rand Paul keep calling her out.

    6. Meowww….Calm down Max… I don’t necessarily hold my ideas to be any better than anyone else’s. I tend to take a fairly strict constitutional line that many people choose to ignore because we have deviated so long and so far from its principle, we would have to walk back a mountain of partisan posturing to get to the root cause of most problems and as I am sure you know of the left… they will not walk back any gain, even if holding on to it is harmful.

      Where you hold me as being rather pompous is that no one will directly engage me in any questions I ask. Oh sure people will make respond with platitudes or in many cases out right obfuscations(kinda like politicians) but no one wants to really look at the root causes of most problems. As far as my understanding of the constitution… no one wants to debate the points of the constitution (hell, the left want to forget the constitution even exists.. except of course when it is convenient to their cause)… Even with the variances that can be found in the intentions of the founding fathers, the manipulations, usurpations and absolutely absurd decisions made by the Supreme Court have lead us to a place where the President and his men have direct effect over a little girl in Kansas selling lemonade in her front yard … I think that thier were clearly enough statements about limited powers that makes one wonder, if not for political chicanery just how that happened… and if so, why does no one want to address it?

      As far as what Clinton and democrats did in the 90’s or even the 80’s or 70’s… perhaps it is the left that has decided to go extreme and the middle is actually somewhere north of midscale. That would be a relative thing…

      Compared to the party under Bill Clinton, Hard left.

      Compared to the party under John F Kennedy, Extreme left.

      Democrats of course will claim that they have moved to the center seeking the all elusive compromise…. Reconciliation… but as you clearly point out, democrats haven’t got a clue what they stand for except for more tax, more government and more control… something they can find solace in their companionship with their less fiscally principled friends on the right and of course there foreign policy surrogates the neocons…

      As far as the ‘get tough on crime’… I agree and disagree… I can say with reasonable clarity that the ‘war on drugs’ has always been bipartisan but the people who stuffed all those black people in hopeless little enclaves of the innercity would, without a doubt, be the left. This is why I have the problem with the left that I do. Not that they don’t care… that they refuse to admit it when their policies are proven to be a failure…

      Just like the 1920 prohibition, marijuana was a 1930’s initiative of the progressive movement…


    7. Well, the line about how the left wants to completely ignore the constitution is smug bullshit, as is the toothless saw that Democrats want nothing but the opportunity to tax and spend. Yawn. But I get it, everyone has their tired saws they need to insert. You've got it all figured out. The constitution was perfection, a garden of Eden if you will, and we have all taken a bite from the apple of false knowledge known as progressivism and have stumbled into wickedness ever since. Because we tried to make things better, in defiance of the constitution, and failed, it is proof that if we think there is problem, it is our thinking that is distorted because if only we followed the constitution, no one would cheat, no one would slack, no one would try to rip anyone else off. I have heard endless arguments about how programs like building the high rise projects that failed miserably are proof positive that the government should never try to do anything to address what society sees as failings of the free marketplace. They are perfect on paper, but like everything else, just don't seem to fit in real life.

      I'll concede your point. Nobody but King here seems to be able to engage you in the discussion you want you to have.

    8. Well... I guess you put me in my place... Auh Huh....

      The question is... 'can't' engage or won't ... and if not, why not?

      Don't like the provisions of the constitution?... then gather the required fricken signatures and change it... until then, just admit that you have no use for law that doesn't suit you... Hell this is the same exact attitude that upheld seperate but equal... the constitution didn't say that either..

  6. The left screams about money in politics, while Goldman Sacs Executives contribute to their campaigns.
    The left complains about crony capitalism, after taking over GM.
    The left says Paul Ryan wants to throw granny off a cliff, while the ACA strips 600 billion dollars from Medicare.
    The most egregious part of it however goes beyond simple double-speak: It’s their insistence that they are the party of tolerance. (Being “tolerant” apparently means hating conservative values.)

    Americans are taught by the liberal elite that their personal opinions, so long as they are “progressive” are precious. When they stumble across someone of a different persuasion, their first reaction is to throw a temper tantrum then follows the accusations of racism, homophobia.
