Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Lecture On Justice....

Many accusations are made about the liberal nature of our educational intuitions and how they frame a discussion that carries forward in politics and the way we vote.

Below are 12 hours of lecture by Prof Micheal Sandel of Harvard on the subject of justice.  While his process is pure philosophy, he routinely interweaves his questions with US politics.  Throughout the lectures he appears to enjoy picking at libertarian ideal.  He even brilliantly turned Locke into the enemy of the libertarian.   I would defy anyone to listen to these twelve hours of lecture, interesting and thought provoking as they are, and tell me the two words missing in his dissertation.  I would say that you could shorten the task by listening any of them as they all use the same language(Bar perhaps the first which is more introductory).  They start with Jeremy Bentham and end with a clarion call to utilitarianism. I would suspect that William would be the only one to identify the two words that are missing and why there omission is so vital to the questions he asked and the political views of his students when he has finished.  This is an all too regular example of what makes liberal education so bias and damaging….

1 comment:

  1. Not one person has responded to my question.... Just so you know the punchline, the two words are:


