Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why not impeach congress?

Some say we should impeach or recall Congress. Well, you can't. The Constitution only provides one procedure to remove members of Congress. Want to guess who decides on when that happens? Yup, it's Congress.
It takes a two-thirds vote of Congress itself to expel a member. The only people who think that Congress would vote themselves out of a job that pays $174,000 a year plus health benefits are the 10% of Americans who think Congress is doing a good job.
Can we realistically hope that since the congressional approval rating is so low that there will be a big house cleaning in the 2014 midterm elections on its own? Unlikely.
Even in 2012, when Congress was riding "high" with an abysmal 18% approval rating, did we see many members of Congress booted? Nope. In fact, 90% of the members of Congress who sought re-election in 2012 won.   Dean Obiedallah, CNN 


  1. Why not impeach Congress? Because they will be replaced with leeches taking guberment checks and bankers money.

    Replace Congress with the TEA Party.

    'Nuff said.....................

  2. Everybody talks tough until it comes down to the nut cutting. To realize that YOUR congressman, who is bringing home the government bacon, is the problem is a hard thing. We all see our own little portion of the world from our tiny view. We all want to protect our minuscule piece of the pie. The fear of losing it is a huge motivator. Our politicians have become masters of fear mongering. We need to learn to ignore this and be as brave as our ancestors - something I believe we will never develop the nerve for anymore.

    1. Both parties have shamelessly gerrymandered districts to guarantee that their guys will be reelected . So, it is common for us to view our representatives as the good guys and all the others as the bad guys. When a recent poll found that 10% of voters approve of congress, on pundit said, "What's wrong with those 10%".
