Thursday, August 8, 2013

Global warming is a hot topic.. But Planned Parenthood is catching fire too!!

Watching the news out there folks?  Couldn't help but see the Planned Parenthood scandal, or was it just on Fox News?  For all you libs on this tiny blog it was a bad day at black (not a racial slur a Spencer Tracy movie) rock!

Yes the attack dogs at Fox News are after PPhood!  Shameful!!

However the half billion waste number is a bit impressive, even for a legit outfit that moral less folks can't "live" without!

He'll! The story isn't even on Drudge as I type away on my iPad!  What does that tell you about this hot potatoe!

Since you won't find the story anywhere else those evil folks at Fox News will carry the ball across the goal line, or shoud I say the third trimester...

Over the next few days perhaps some of the MSM will try to cover the story, but for now only Fox has the guts to put it out to the public.

Have a nice night, or should I say have a nice "right".....


  1. Meh. PP is just another thing for the right to scream about. Abortion, is a very small part of what PP does, but like many things, that small thing is something that sooooooooooooo outrages them, they would be cool to fix it by finding a way to close PP.

    In all seriousness TD, why should I be concerned about this? Your parting sentence there is a taunt. It's a taunt because the new conservative way of doing things is to simply ignore the law and create their own reality. When in power, conservatives really do nothing but launch endless investigations, block legislation and do things like vote 40 times to defund something that is law. I've acknowledged a bunch of times that for the moment, conservatives are winning this battle. While some scream that a background check is akin to taking away second amendment rights, they claim that restricting abortion so sharply that clinics close is somehow different. Ultimately TD, you are becoming exactly what you claim you despise.

    1. "the new conservative way of doing things is to simply ignore the law and create their own reality. "
      Finally they are copying from the left, now things will "change"

      "When in power, conservatives really do nothing but launch endless investigations, block legislation and do things like vote 40 times to defund something that is law. "

      Seems to me the Obamacare problem is larger than you think, it's clear now that it was a huge miscalculation, and even the left is admitting was and is a huge mistake.

      As to your abortion clinic comment, well, looks like Planed Parenthood has been revealed for what it really is now, another left nut job organization that has robbed the American people illegally.

      Furthermore the MSM is finally is growing some balls again and actually reporting hard news about the left. The left you love so much is falling from grace, be prepared for the worse time of your political life.

  2. Max,

    Ignoring the law is a conservative thing? Seriously? Please note that I'm not entering into an abortion debate, I'm just commenting on that statement you made.


    1. Seriously. Multiple states have enacted laws that put so many restrictions on abortions that they have effectively closed many clinics. What they say is that it's for the safety of women though they are forcing women to do things like have an unneeded ultra sound. The goal is clear, outlaw abortion. The next thing is regarding the ACA. Like it or not, Obamacare is law and they are saying, "We disagree so we will just vote to defund it" This is purely a matter of partisanship. And then of course there are the voter suppression laws. A few here have jerked my chain on that issue claiming it's about preserving the integrity of elections despite the fact no widespread fraud has been found. It's bullshit. Period. And the beauty of it was that it didn't work. Ha Ha.

      There is also an ignoring of law that is occuring because of gridlock. From presidential appointments to things like Immigration reform. When Bills don't get passed because of partisan gridlock, the POTUS responds by doing an end run around congress, Obama has done, as did Bush before as did Clinton before him.

    2. Jean, here is some further context. In general, I'm willing to live with what gets decided by majority. McCain once said elections have consequences, and while I find that thinking a bit crude, I tend to agree. Once something becomes the law of the land, I believe it should be respected. Roe V Wade has been settled law for quite some time. W Bush stacked the court with conservatives, and they still haven't seen fit to overturn it. Whether one supports abortion or not, to me, is irrelevant in this situation. What is being done locally by Republicans is a flagrant fuck you to established law. voting to defund the ACA is the same thing.

      In a bigger picture, what bothers me is that gridlock is not just blocking legislation, it's breaking the system and the spirit of what the founding fathers put in place. It's one thing to have bitter debates of "what would the founding fathers do" in any particular situation, but at the end of the day, I believe the founding fathers intended for compromise to be made and for the business of government to be conducted. As it stands right now, this current congress is on track to have accomplished the least of any congress in terms of bills passed

      I've said multiple times that I'm not a fan of Harry Reid. That said, I can empathize with him on something. IF, the Republicans, who are a minority in that house, refuse to let anything get done unless it has 60 votes, why should Reid bring purely partisan bills from congress up for a vote? McConnell won't let Reid pass anything of substance on simple majority, why should he return the favor? The Democrats control the white house and the senate at this time. The Republicans control the gerrymandered congress. Why should that house dictate terms to the other two houses?

      A result of gridlock is that presidents are simply abusing technicalities to accomplish their agendas. While I agree with Obama on some things, I nonetheless am chilled by the power that congress is ceding to the POTUS because they won't do their job. Fairly or not Jean, I am blaming Republicans. They verbalize that this country has taken such a screeching slide to communism that they have no choice but to simply block everything. Now they want to defund everything they disagree with and pass tiny bills to keep the government squeaking by. I've had enough of the dysfunction. I won't begin to make some grand defense of the Democratic party. They have had their days of obstinence when they weren't in power. Regardless, they did not dig their heels in the way McConnell has and ultimately let things get done despite their obstruction.

      If the house of congress will pass nothing but partisan bills that stipulate never raising taxes while simultaneously slashing every social program every created, why bother having elections for them? Why bother even keeping the three houses? Why not just have local elections and let every single state be its own country.

    3. Here is an example of what I am talking about

      In Ohio, they stipulate that an abortion clinic must have a "transfer" agreement in place so that if greater medical care is needed, the pt can be transferred to the hospital. Then, they passed a law that forbid any public facility from having an agreement with an abortion clinic. Anybody who believes this is an appropriate use of legislation is a fascist.

  3. "Why should that house dictate terms to the other two houses?"

    Max, our form of government and it's checks and balances does depend on two to one votes among bodies.

    Gridlock currently is necessary to prevent our children from becoming serfs.


    1. I of course meant "does not."

    2. The system of checks and balances was to prevent a majority from abusing the minority, not so that the minority could just clench their collective asses and tell everyone to bow to their demands. Gridlock isn't fixing anything William, but you won't ever believe that. R

    3. Gridlock isn't working?

      CBO Finds Smallest Deficit Since 2008

      The deficit will shrink this year to $642 billion, according to estimates released Tuesday by the Congressional Budget Office. That's about $200 billion smaller than the deficit the CBO projected in February.
      The CBO's latest report contains even more good news for budget hawks. The nation's budget shortfall has fallen to below half of where it was in 2009. Back then, the deficit was 10.1 percent of GDP, compared to 4.0 percent this year. In addition, the CBO predicts that growing revenues, combined with flat spending, will shrink the deficit to 2.1 percent of GDP in 2015.

    4. Did you even read the article you posted? Not only did it cite expiration of tax cuts, it also cited unexpected payments in from Fannie and Freddie. It also said those quirks won't last and that REAL fixes are still needed. Nothing in that article even suggested that gridlock had in impact.
