Thursday, August 8, 2013

Another forgotten reprobate


  1. Posted at 11:41 AM ET, 06/26/2012
    Rielle Hunter’s new book: Insights, outrages, excuses, score-settling
    By The Reliable Source

    Rielle Hunter, during an interview with ABC’s “20/20” last week. (Phil Elsworth - ABC via AP) Rielle Hunter’s new memoir of her life as John Edwards’s on-again mistress — whoops, off-again, she told “Good Morning America” today — does not offer much news. Nor, buyer be warned, much sex: Things have a way of fading discreetly to black. (“He led me to the most extraordinary night of my life. There was a lot of talk, a lot of laughter, and zero sleep.”) But for those still fascinated/horrified/angry/perplexed by the Edwards affair and wanting more, we scoured an early copy of “What Really Happened,” released today and found some highlights.

    1. Edwards is old Dem news some guy in NY city is the cheating pervert of the month club...

  2. Like that Republican shitbag David Vitter, John Edwards will be the guy who's only relevance is to be brought up as an example of a Democratic shitbag. Unlike Vitter, however, Edwards has been denounced by liberals and left for dead politically. I didn't think much of him while he was running and his obsequious attorney smile grated on me. I did, however, acknowledge that he had quite following and for a short time had the "juice" to inspire younger people, which is something this country desperately needs.

    1. Edwards was right about one thing Max, there are "two America's." Presently the white house is occupied by the Detriot faction.
