Monday, January 7, 2013

Who should appear on the trillion dollar coin?

It has been seriously proposed that Treasury mint a one trillion dollar coin as a way of bypassing the debt ceiling.  Who's picture should appear on such a coin? Politicians are allowed.


  1. A coin will have two sides so let us not waste one.
    My choices?
    On the face Mickey Mouse and on the obverse side Paul Revere
    Cheers from Aussie.

  2. I need to post a picture of a coin I found that my grandfather had. On one side was a donkey face, on the other side was a donkey's ass.

  3. As Sarah Palin stated, "don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion."

    Hu Jintao belongs on the face, and Barack on the reverse because Hu holds four and Barack has wasted four (so far).

  4. An easy choice, Ronald Reagan. Since he was the man who was POTUS when the debt crossed the Trillion Dollar mark, and since he was the man who severed us from consequence to borrowing and spending, I think it only fitting to honor him in such a manner.

  5. A map of the U. S. on one side, caricaturized as being hung. Orient the mao so east is 'up', and draw the noose between the FLA panhandle and the western end of Lake Erie. A turkey on the other side. Or a flock of them.


    1. You are aware Jean that the wild turkey was considered for our national bird prior to the bald eagle gaining the crown.

      In many ways the cultivated turkey, not the wild variety which happens to be very regal, represents our present day posture.


    2. William,

      Yes, I was. Benjamin Franklin looked down upon the bald eagle since it dined on carrion. The choice of the turkey was based on the present day, unflattering usage of the term.

