Thursday, January 17, 2013

Obama's Middle East Policy

His actions and inaction's have ripped the Middle East to pieces. But no worries, the Jihadists are re-uniting the region under Sharia law. Obama and the US helped trained the Mali Government armed forces and gave them tons of modern weapons, then those same troops defected to Al Qaeda when those troops returned from Lybia, freshly restocked after Obama assisted Qaddafi's overthrow. Now of course it has spilled over in to other countries. The reports of the Algerian government bombing the fighters is incorrect. The Fighters had bombs strapped to their hostages, those were set off as the Algerian Army attacked. Hence the appearance of plains dropping bombs. But what do you expect? Would you expect the Jihadists to cower with fear after Obama says the US FAILED in Afghanistan and is withdrawing its troops? Obama has been VERY friendly with the Muslim Brotherhood. He is retreating on all fronts, he expects better treatment and peace. Instead, these Islamists see him as weak and he represents the United States whom they think is the great Satan. Meanwhile Iran continues its nefarious plans.


  1. Excuse Me Folks,but least we forget
    In his ghost-written (by William Ayers) 'autobiography', "Dreams of My Father", Barack Hussein Obama said,

    "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..."

  2. I do hope the paranoia is endemic to this site. If it becomes pandemic than the world will certainly end. Fortunately, I believe enough will have the intelligence to reject the worst and to at least examine the rest of the garbage before consigning it to the trash can.

    By the way; I would not elect BO but I would hope that as the college and the people were both in agreement that he should be elected; the opposition should give the administration "a fair go" as we say in Aussie

  3. Kingston, take heart, the things you read here are not indicitive of the mindset of the vast majority pf Americans. America is still the land of opportunity where scholars and students from all over the world come to learn. As Mike Royko once observed, the internet, far from being an information highway, is an electronic assylum filled with raving loonies.

    1. I loved reading Royko when I was a young lad. His parting shot to the Chicago Sun Times was classic, "No self respecting fish would want to be wrapped in that paper." John Kass is not now and never will be a satisfactory replacement. Royko went after everybody sooner or later. Most columnists today stay in a well defined and acceptable mold. Royko could be a real asshole, but he was a genuine asshole.

  4. In response to the "Three Wise Men" Kingston,Mick,and Max.

    You don't believe Obama's Written statement with regards to Islam?
    I recognize he does have a credibility issue.

    Now about Islam and currently Obama's policies towards the Muslim Brotherhood,which he has supported.

    The Muslim Brotherhoods beliefs

    The Brotherhood's credo was and is, "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."[16][17] The Brotherhood's English language website describes the principles of the Muslim Brotherhood as including firstly the introduction of the Islamic Shari`ah as "the basis for controlling the affairs of state and society" and secondly, work to unify "Islamic countries and states, mainly among the Arab states, and liberating them from foreign imperialism".

    This should make the ladies happy,Shari Law.
    Ops you missed the Jihad part I guess.

    Now about Islams stated goals

    “If not through peace, there is nothing preventing war. We welcome war,” said the second cleric, who added that “one of the tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood, which they cannot renounce,” is the goal of global dominance by an Islamic caliphate.

    Kinda makes you all warm and fuzzy.

    And then have any of you read the Quran? Well many many years ago I read nearly all of it,sure as hell made a lasting impression on me.

    So as you wish gentlemen,watch events unfold over the coming years.

    Paranoid nope,attentive yup.
    Opinions are like assholes,everybody has one,now you know mine!!

    1. I can't speak for anyone but myself RA, and this is my belief. Throughout time, billions have been slaughtered in the name of some God. I respect religion for the comfort and guidance that it brings to humanity, but I nonetheless see a clear need to keep it from ever being the basis from which to govern. As Hayek noted in Road To Serfdom, (I am appropriating this of course for a different aim), you reach a point where the only way to make everyone obey is at the point of a gun. Me personally, I believe in a free society where people are allowed to choose whether to believe or not believe in some unseen God.

      As for the Muslim world, we are not doing ourselves any favors by seeking a policy of complete rejection. Christians, looking backward, have had periods of being no less ruthless is seeking domination of man. By adopting an attitude that all Muslims are suspect by not renouncing Islam and it's most whacked tenants, then we leave no room for Muslims to create Islamic societies that are secular at the government level and religious at the personal level. I think the best way to bring the clerics down is to keep pressing for freedom, keep offering a view of society that contrasts their centuries old views where women are property and so on.

      To do this of course means that we need to be tolerant of words while remaining intolerant of actions. Many conservatives want to wage of a war of continuous outrage at words. We are losing this war.

    2. Max I am not in total disagreement with you,and yes Religion over time has been to most brutal to civilization.
      I am not condemning ALL Muslims.

      I am not paranoid as two posters have suggested.
      My point is simple,watch,listen,and learn.
      You cannot deny their credo nor their very public statements about their goals,watch their actions.

      Now what started this was an earlier statement by our current President,before he became President.This statement clearly stated a sympathy towards Islam.
      His actions with regards to the Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood have clearly advanced the MB's goals.
      I do believe that Obama has been duped about their intentions,as the MB is now in the process of imposing the Islamic credo on the population.This appears to come as a shock to some Egyptians,and women in particular.

    3. Respectfully, RA, this is not meant as a defense for the whack jobs in the Islamic world. Normally, I am the one calling for a bigger context, but since I have not read Obama's book, I will work on the statement you posted, which is, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..."

      He doesn't say he will stand with the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps this is hair splitting, I have not read the book and don't plan to. Still, I stand by what I said. If we keep the Muslim brotherhood sidelined and never in a position of power, they will never be held accountable for success or more importantly, failure, by the people they are supposed to represent. As long as they are sidelined by our country and locked out of power, they are martyrs. Sympathetic as Obama allegedly is, he continues to slaughter wholesale with his drone strikes and that is not doing us any favor in the Muslim world either.

      For me, it's not a matter of trusting them, or a matter of sympathizing with their religion. What it is a matter of is finding ways to hold them accountable to the people they are alleged to represent. I don't believe the vast majority of the Muslim world wants sharia law, I don't believe the vast majority of them want their women in Burqas and their young girls traded away as property to some pedophile with ten wives. But, the best we have been offering in contrast of late is complete rejection and contempt for everything Muslim we don't agree with. Ironically, there are many aspects of our lazy, wasteful, arrogant society that they find offensive, things that quite a few Christian leaders here are also against.

      Something in what we are doing doesn't seem to be working IMO.

    4. Rajayalso, while I tend to agree with you that both the Islamic movement and our presidents decisions relative to it need to be watched very closely. I do not hold him as a Muslim sympathizer as much as I do a social homogenist in the name of fairness.

      The comment quoted above was indeed taken from his book Audacity of Hope.... the full quote, Page 261:

      Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

      This hardly shows alignment with the radical imams of the world

    5. Scott.....You may have missed my comment

      "I do believe that Obama has been duped about their intentions"

  5. OH.....Before you pounce on your keyboards


    1. And Hillary has done such a wonderful job in her capacity as Sec of State. She was such an astute appointment by Barack.

      The world aflame from India to Algeria.

      Americans being attacked or held captive around the globe with little or no response.

      Nice job Hillary! Have a nice life! You were the definition of leading from behind.
