Sunday, January 6, 2013

Generation ME

The greatest generation in their mind. Most consider themselves as gifted. 70% study less than 6 hours a week in college.


  1. Interesting that no one wants to touch this one....

  2. So we're becoming (have become) a nation of vain, self-important, entitled, stupid, narcissistic douchebags ...

    What more is there to say?

  3. pfunky
    Does that mean you are complacent or defeated? Or what?

    Dr. Keith Ablow's article on this is also interesting. Titled "Are we raising a generation of deluded narcissists?" it talks about how the deluge of electronic invitations to create your own reality ala Facebook let anyone be the star of their own show. Endless postings of only fun flattering pictures, minutia of daily life like what's for lunch and faux friends in the hundreds, create an environment in which the poster controls everything. Content is superficial and brisk. Anything unflattering can be removed. No messy reality with performance standards like grades, test scores or job placenment need intrude into this safe little bubble.

    1. "Does that mean you are complacent or defeated? Or what?"

      Nah. I meant more like "Duh".

      There's nothing in that article that we haven't discussed here and on MW ad nauseum. To me, it was like posting an article in which the main point is that water is wet.
