Saturday, August 2, 2014

Obscene body part

Law Prof Gets Cute with Trey Gowdy On IRS Scandal & Gets Perp-Walked to the Democrat Walk of Shame

“Would you seat a juror, in a trial, who referred to your client as an obscene body part?”
“I really have trouble to giving you an answer except that—“
“Well, then you would starve to death as a lawyer if you can’t answer that question, professor.  You would seriously consider seating a juror in a trial, a criminal trial, where your client was accused of a crime, if that juror had referred to your client as an obscene body part, you would struggle with whether or not to strike that juror?”


  1. "Lerner then sent another email: “Overheard some ladies talking about American today. According to them we've bankrupted ourselves and at through. We'll never be able to pay off our debt and are going down the tubes. They don't seem to see that they can't afford to keep up their welfare state either. Strange.”

    IRS official then replied: “Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP. The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

    Lerner replied: “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many ---holes.”

    The anonymous IRS official replied: “I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid,” to which Lerner replied: “So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down.”"

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