Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dog is Elected Mayor

CORMORANT, Minn. (WCCO) – The new mayor of a Minnesota town is just 7-years-old, and he doesn’t say much.
Voters in Cormorant elected a dog named Duke by a landslide. The 12 people in the village each paid $1 to cast a vote.
After winning, Duke got 5 hours of grooming and a new outfit.
Duke will be officially sworn in on Saturday during the city’s annual fair.
As for the mayor’s salary, a pet food store is donating a year’s supply of kibble to reward him for his service.
The village of Cormorant is located in Northwestern Minnesota.
At 7, Duke is far from the youngest recent mayor in Minnesota. Bobby Tufts won the post when he was just 3 years old. He was recently unseated by Eric Mueller, who is a well-seasoned 16 years old.


  1. He'll probably do a great job. But what I wonder is does he poop on the north /south axis as discussed previously on this blog.

  2. I have observed that Cats tend to be Republicans as they always resist change. Move a piece of furniture and your cat will spend hours fretting over it. Try and change their food and they look at you as if you've lost your mind, however dogs tend to be Democrats, whatever you do is OK by them, roll with the flow baby. Change their food and they don't even notice.

    1. I have to agree with the dog-democrat correlation. A good chnce we end up with a real dog in 2016.

  3. I bet Duke passes more legislation than our current congress ...

    1. First rule of government, do no harm.

      Duke is a shoe in for re-elecion unless a prettier dog comes along.
