Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Report: Obama Spent $770 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Rebuild and Renovate Mosques Overseas

A CBS news investigation found that the Obama State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas — outraging taxpayer advocates and raising enormous questions about aid to potentially terror-supporting groups with U.S. foreign aid.
Millions more dollars have been sent to places like Cyprus. The State Department displays before and after pictures of mosques refurbished with U.S. tax dollars.
“I think it is very hard to explain to the American taxpayer right now whose having an extraordinary time paying bills and making ends meet that this is why we took this out of your paycheck, so we can fund this,” said Thomas.
The State Department declined a CBS Atlanta News request for an interview. Anchor Justin Farmer wanted to ask why are we using tax dollars to refurbish religious buildings overseas. The State Department did send CBS Atlanta News an e-mail saying that they are “fighting Islamic extremism by building relationships with Islamic leaders”.
Egyptian-American human rights activist Nonie Darwish told Farmer that trying to buy respect in the Middle East only shows our weakness.
“This part of the world has a lot of respect for power and America is not showing its power, it’s showing its appeasement. They are laughing all the way to the bank,” said Darwish.
Darwish was born in Egypt and is now a former Muslim. Darwish told Farmer that she moved to America and has written several books critical of radical Islam. Darwish said that most of the mosques in Egypt are run by extremists who have ordered former Muslims like herself to be killed.
“We are rebuilding mosques to support the radicals, not to support the moderates. We are building mosques to issue fatwas of death against people like me,” said Darwish.
Your tax dollars also fund computers and mosques in places like Tajikistan and Mali. At an ancient mud brick mosque in Mali, the State Department has provided Internet service and computer equipment to local imams.


  1. This program, for the preservation of historic sites was begun under President Clinton and the first funds were approved under President Bush.


    1. The economy was soaring under Clinton and not bad until the end of Bush.

      We have accumulated 7 trillion in debt, isn't that enough reason to re-evaluate priorities?

  2. Every American should be outraged. How about money for houses of religious worship here at home - spend equally of course - No that would bring the separation of Church and state issue into play... so funny the left gets their way no matter what and the American taxpayer gets screwed ....

    1. A portion of the money went for the renovation of historic churches.

    2. The American taxpayer should NOT fund this!!!! That is THE issue - I do not give a flying flip who approved, created, or supported this - it is wrong!

    3. Something like this gets created for some ostensible purpose and then an administration decides to be stupid in how the funds get allocated.

      Obamaphone is the same deal. The ones who originally created it did not imagine people with 32 cell phones or people operating drug businesses with them. But that's what we got now.

      What we have here is the same old tired statist mantra of "this is how it's always been". And it's an outright lie.

    4. The program to provide cell phones to low income people existed for a long time before Obama was elected and is funded 100% by the telecom companies. They make a profit by providing free phones but after the initial period the phone users are responsible for buying air time.


    5. Yes, but Mick, this is just another way the hard working folk are fleeced. Whether by government of by telecom companies, the lazy deadbeats are given champaign and lobster while the rest of America works it's tale off. THIS is why we must continue to end all lies for eternity by getting to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi.

    6. Max, I'm more worried about those UFO's and preserved space aliens. What's Obama going to do about that? Obviously a giant government coverup. We need to subpoena a bunch of folks from Area 51. Of course if we begin arresting everyone who is guilty of contempt of congress, about 90% of Americans will be in jail.

    7. We all know what they say about 'facts', anyone can claim one.

      100% funded by telecom companies eh?


      Not according to my fact.
