Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Prepare while there is still time!

This is from usdeception.com:

Fellow Patriot, this will demolish your 2014:
A chilling conspiracy will wipe out 281 million Americans in the next 6 months.
The media has sworn a blood oath to keep it hushed.
But you deserve to know the truth because in this treasonous agenda, you and your loved ones are the sacrificial lambs.

That's why in this short presentation, I'm going to blow the lid off this twisted plot that has shocked even hardcore liberals because knowing this secret information will decide who will survive and who will perish when the sinister plot unravels.

You'll discover the real secret reason why the US economy hasn't "collapsed" yet, and EXACTLY WHEN the dollar will turn into dust and our streets into hell.

And if you stick with me till the end, I'll also share with you the story of how a penniless, crippled senior not only survived but prospered through a 4 year economic Armegeddon (you will be SHOCKED when you see why others were BEGGING him to take their gold).

And even though this might sound impossible now, once you read this presentation and do what it says you'll discover exactly what to do to ensure that your loved ones are spoiled with more than enough food, water and medical supplies when chaos reigns...even though hungry mobs are roaming the streets, or breaking into homes...desperately looking for food.

While the unprepared masses will see their guns taken away from them and their families shipped to a FEMA camp you'll not only escape the terrible fate of most Americans but will be a hero to your family and even to the entire neighborhood no matter how unprepared you may think you are now and no matter if you think you're too old, or too weak to prepare.


  1. I guess you like the passive aggressive approach.


    Here's another one for Obama's plate.

    1. No, I just thought this was hysterically funny. It's like the one Angie posted, only worse. If you search the net, you can find many of these type posts. Most are charlatans trying to hook in with possible suckers, others are true believers who never learned the are of critical reasoning or people with serious mental problems. It doesn't add anything to serious discussions when one posts this type of nonsense. But, freedom of speech is freedom of speech. I guess I don't understand your passive aggressive comment, that was not my intention.

    2. sorry, that should read "art" of critical thinking.

  2. Here's the news from Qazin:
    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A large fire broke out Tuesday in an industrial city in northern Iran on Tuesday, but no deaths have been reported, according to state television.

    Earlier, the semiofficial Fars news agency said an explosion had gone off in a wood and oil storage facility in Qazvin, leaving nearly 50 people injured — many in serious condition. Many cargo depots are located in the city, some 130 kilometers (80 miles) west of the capital, Tehran.

    State television citied Gov. Saeed Mirbaha as saying no deaths were reported but fire fighters and rescue workers have intensified efforts to control the blaze that filled the sky with smoke.

    The city's emergency department said one rescuer was badly injured from smoke inhalation, not two as local media previously reported.

    Fars also said police have closed off roads to the area where the explosion took place.

    1. Maybe it's a wood and oil storage facility or maybe it's a secret uranium enrichment facilty.

      The Israelis think the latter.

      And here's a story by MW's Paul Farrell.

  3. Is this the result of legalising pot in your country? Mick mate, better to wear boxing gloves to bed. If perchance Armageddon arrives, then think of Aussie, you will all be welcome but leave your bloody guns and your grid iron football behind. Finally I offer the following; the world needs to remember it from the days of Ellis Island.

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless,
    Tempest-tossed to me
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    Cheers to you all from Gods country,the sanest place on the planet.

  4. Kingston, it's not pot, it's the internet. More habit forming than illegal drugs, and probably more dangerous. As the Chicago columnist once remarked "the internet is not an information highway, it is an electronic asylum filled with raving lunatics. Just look at the latest post about Obama funding mosques.
