Thursday, November 21, 2013

Should we consider a maximum wage law?

Here is one opinion:

(CNN) -- It's an idea that's radical in its simplicity.
Swiss voters on November 24 will consider capping executive pay at 12 times what the lowest-paid worker at a company makes -- the premise being that a CEO should make no more in a month than a low-level employee earns in a year.
The referendum, which is called the "1:12 initiative" and began after supporters gathered 100,000 signatures to put it on the ballot, is the kind of elegant solution to income inequality that we in the United States should consider more seriously.


  1. Here's the link:

    1. Please.........Don't give the Progressive Democrats any ideas,after all it is a control issue.
      But then again they would need to find new targets to tax so they can further expand an already bloated government. LOL

    2. Wealth is already leaving the US and should this referendum pass... it will leave Switzerland too....

  2. Only for elected officials. Maximum wage $1 per year. Commensurate with their value in the real world.

    1773-2009 $1 may be overpaying them.

    1. They should get a bonus for every bill they vote on that has no riders ... and members of committee should be docked for every well sponsored bill that gets held up by their committee....

    2. TS,

      Oooooh, I like that one, yes! One bill, one issue.


  3. William, you must have read my mind.

  4. Yes CEO wages should be capped but 12 times the low wage is to low. I would proposed 12 times the average wage. CEO's then need to be bonused on total company performance same as every other manager is bonused on unit performance. Not a progressive idea just plain old common sense.

    1. Common sense..........something that liberals often lack, such as your communist talking point above.

    2. What is so communist about everyone being bonused on a company's performance? Guess we now know who really wants something for nothing.

    3. You are right Rick... definitely not communist.... more fascist I would stay.. But fascism like the ACA is but a stepping stone to a dedicated Statist.
