Friday, November 22, 2013

How spoiled Brats and Gutless Bullies wind up as loser Democrats.

When AmPol was rolling along back in the day there were numerous arguments from the left countered by the wails of pain from the right.  The left merely implied the right were racists... Fast forward to today.. is racism even mentioned or just endless failures?

Numerous Democratic House and Senate members currently serving are beginning to realize that their jobs, with all the perks that goes with it, are unsafe.  Imagine what the spouses of these fat cats will think when they are voted out of a job.  Harry has created the tipping point for firing of the Democratic Majority in the Senate, and at the same time shown all the voters in this country the most glaring issue that plagues the Democrats.  They are unwitting liars. A democrat will say anything, do anything to get elected.

If you look at a long term political strategy, one that guarantees you will be the party in power for all time, one only needs to follow the play book. 1. There's a depression 2. Give the voters money to get thru it. 3. Take no real action to fix the problems that created the depression. 4. Convince the majority of voters that they need government to provide the solutions, from taxes, to end the depression. 5. Add voters to the roles of the party that is providing the welfare to a point where the majority of voters are on welfare 6. Once in the majority, the party is now in power forever.

The Democratic Party playbook has just been shown to you, do you debate the realization that this is what is being done to us or do you refute that this is not happening?

Does this remind you of the 30's?

Nanny Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Dems are going to find out the hard way that forcing legislation down our collective throats was a big mistake.  Millions of voting Americans are getting kicked off their insurance policy, millions more are paying vastly more, many single males are paying for female issues, and millions more have had their insurance, which provided high quality hospitals and doctors/services stripped away for f'ing ever!

What have the Dems done about the debt, grown it, what have the Dems done about Middle East, allowed Iran to get Nukes, why?  Because Obama is the weakest foreign policy President in history.  The Afghan war... giving them billions to maintain the status quo.  GREAT, just what we need!

Issue by issue , failure after failure, when the revisionists try their collective hardest to laud Obama, the facts will shoot them down, his Presidency will be historic, for the worst employed workforce, the worst executed foreign policies, and perhaps he will foment the war against Iran.
Who knows how bad it will get?

Millions with no health insurance, lost wars, buying off countries to look good in the press, changing the rules of the Senate from its inception, the list is endless.

If Jersey still had the balls to post here or RD, would they defend or admit?

As for the rest of you lefties here, look in the mirror real hard, is the condition of the country your fault, or a glorified success?


  1. Twins I pretty much agree with you. This Progressive Liberal administration which I include the Liberal members of congress have over played their power and are governing by deception.

    Unless I miss my guess Obamacare is the tipping point mainly due to the fact that the misrepresentations can not be hidden from the public as have several other issues have been by a Liberal leaning media. This time the falsehoods are out there for all to see and furthermore affect the majority of the population.

    I think the "Fool me once shame on you,fool me twice shame on me" is going to be the case.

  2. Needed to edit a (have) there.

    A second thought Jersey only shows once in a while when it's safe.
    Lotsa Lib are missing lately..........Hummm wonder why?

  3. As to the lack of libs here... at first they were all in the catbird seat, but as time has gone by and the valueless lives they lead have proven the fact that they are only in it for the individual, whereas the Right is the side that has the best interests for the country as a whole. The left is tax and spend the right is not. The left uses laws to control the right uses laws to free folks, the left is all about our way or the highway, the right is all about freedom of speech, thought and act.

    In the end the "folks" will be alright because they will vote these bums out.

    1. H a Ha TD. Now that is all a matter of perspective because I see it just the opposite. It was the republicans who spent spent spent through the first 10 years of this century and then didn't pay for it. Is that in the best interest of the country. No it is not. It is a huge factor to what has brought us here today. As it stands today the #1 cause of our burgeoning debt is the Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, an unfunded, prescription drug program, an unfunded "no child left behind" program that actually destroyed our public education system. Ah you say bi partisan stuff, yes some but the man with the final say over it all could have vetoed every damn bit of it without a major challenge. I never cease to be amazed how the right speaks as if all our financial troubles magically appeared on January 20th 2009. No my friend it was just an almost total financial collapse that showed us the problems we were in.
      I remember still GWB, speaking of the projected surpluses, "It's your money and you're going to get it back. Well it wasn't our money, not mine not yours because we owed it. How much different would our situation be if we would have left taxes alone and used any surplus to pay down debt?
      Tax and spend. that has to be the most worn out cliché in America and it surprises me that people still gobble that one up.
      Ah some REAL FIGURES
      GWB debt added 6 trillion dollars which increased the public debt by 52%
      Barack Obama (1st term) 4.8 Trillion. Both cut taxes although some of those cuts have been reversed.
      Tax and spend yeah that's bad. Don't tax and spend even more, well you get the picture although you will never admit it.

      Valueless life? TD you want to stick by that statement? I will put my values up against yours anytime. Just because one supports a different party has a different religious belief, lives in a different region or different state doesn't define their values does it? No it does not.

    2. With respect to most of the spending that occurred during the first 10 years. I would say that this nation and no doubt any nation has never tied going to war to a budget discussion..... Either there was a need to go to war or their wasn’t and while I am not at all in approval of ‘undeclared’ wars and we can speculate ad nauseum the facts, deceptions and misinformation’s surrounding this action, the Authorization for Use of Military Force was passed in a largely bipartisan fashion. (But to dispel the discussion, the majority of the house democrats voted against it.) But lets be clear... going in, war is never part of a bigger budget discussion. Funny enough we have to research democrats on this subject... Biden for instance voted for it but stated that he didn’t and Kerry who ‘voted for it before he was against it’.

      Just a note on the Bush tax cuts that never seems to come up, while the tax cuts broadly cut taxes for everyone, it invoked the AMT which closed many tax loopholes for wealthier people thus insuring that they did not disproportionally gain from the tax cuts. While I will agree that the cuts, primarily because of capital gains rules helped the wealthy at the expense of the upper middle class, the cuts themselves were intended and thought to be revenue neutral and did raise revenue from the upper income groups to the relief of the lower.

      The Bush cuts are long professed by opponents as being the single leading cause of the huge budget debt that we have now. It is a deliberate sleight of hand to detract from the fact that all of these people use estimates provided by the CBO before Bush took office. It assumed no recessions, no terrorist attacks, no wars, no natural disasters, and that all discretionary spending would fall to 1930s levels. It is estimated that the cuts themselves only contribute some 14% but economic revisions (33%), other new spending (32%), net interest on the debt (12%), the 2009 stimulus (6%) misc tax revisions.(3%).

      I feel it is a rather sanctimonious argument given the irresponsibility of the impact the ACA will have. Of course, democrats again will use a CBO report that shows that , in the long term, the ACA will reduce the deficit (.5%) between 2023 and 2032, which will be touted as a budget neutral to positive piece of legislation. Of course that report has a similar long list of caveats used in the report that damns Bush cuts..... Like assumptions that Medicare costs can come down without doctors bailing on the system.. (that is already starting to happen). So when it doesn’t happen, I am sure democrats will blame the costs on anyone else but themselves.

    3. No Child Left Behind was a reauthorization of the ‘Elementary and Secondary Education Act’ first enacted in 1965 which encompasses Title 1 requirements for federal funding . It was previously reauthorized in 1994 by the Clinton Administration and preceded the U.S. Dept. of Education by 15 years.

      The legislation was proposed by President George W. Bush on January 23, 2001. It was coauthored by Representatives John Boehner (R-OH), George Miller (D-CA), and Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Judd Gregg (R-NH). The United States House of Representatives passed the bill on May 23, 2001 (voting 384–45), and the United States Senate passed it on June 14, 2001 (voting 91–8). President Bush signed it into law on January 8, 2002. (Taken From Wikipedia)

      So I would say that while the name was created by Bush... the concept, overwhelmingly bipartisan, started many years earlier by .... well by .. Democrats Lyndon Johnson and then the creation of the Dept of Ed by Jimmy Carter.... if we want to talk about partisan initiatives. Oh, yeah, who is pushing the common core initiatives? I prefer to suggest that the US federal government has screwed up the education of our children and not one party or the other.

      As far as it being ‘unfunded’... that is a myth. Congress did not appropriate the ‘maximum funding’ criteria of Title 1 expenditures but to be clear, Congress has NEVER appropriated the ‘maximum funding’ authorized by the Title 1 provisions of either the original EASEA or NCLB.... but to say that it was unfunded is wrong... as a matter of record, title one spending exceeded previous years for several years of the Bush administration.

      I will agree with that 'tax and spend' is well worn as it is clear that the majority of the government is a ‘shop till you drop’ group of irresponsible buffoons.... Repocrats or Dumbopubs love to spend.... and neither really cares if the bill is paid.

  4. It's interesting how democrats can say "Tyranny of the majority" and then without having to take another breath they can say "Tyranny of the minority" ...... funny thing that.

    1. Tyranny is by any other name tyranny... The liberal mind lives the motto "the ends justify the means"

      However, when the ends are paper tiger lies, no justification comes into play..

    2. From your post above TD, "As to the lack of libs here... at first they were all in the catbird seat, but as time has gone by and the valueless lives they lead have proven the fact that they are only in it for the individual, whereas the Right is the side that has the best interests for the country as a whole"

      This lib has actually gotten off his ass to go back to school and better himself to obtain a skill that is needed in this country. Judging from the few times I have peaked in here, you primarily seem to show up just to bitch. What has your bitching done to make the country a better place TD?

      Coming here is actually a waste of time, and yes, I am here right now because I have a pain in the ass assignment I just don't feel like working on. Your headline to this thread is ridiculous. Nobody paved my way in life and compared to sniveling little shit Republicans who inherited most of their wealth, I'm actually quite proud of where I am in life. I don't think you really want libs here to actually talk to TD, you want them to show up so you have someone to yell at.

      On any given day, there are plenty of things I disagree with Obama and the Democrats on and yes, even the Godless Dogma of Liberalism. As for you, it's simple, you hate everything associated with Democrats, Obama, Liberals and the Government. What's there to discuss?

      Take away the political bullshit, we're all human beings worthy of dignity and respect and on that note, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


  5. Interesting "sniveling" comment Mike, I think if you check the facts the wealthy May belong to the Dems, ask Nancy about that. All I really care about is the twins, and I don't think Dem policies are child friendly. Dems want to control things, Pubs want to free things up, at least that was twenty years ago. Fast forward to the nanny state the Dems have created, forced placed healthcare that you can't buy, 80 million folks getting cancelled insurance, etc. etc.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, ACA is just that simple, it's big brother on steroids, mark my words even you will live to regret the ACA.

    1. All insurance is a redistribution of wealth TD. The healthy pay for the sick. The young pay for the old. Safe drivers pay for bad drivers. You are interested in stories, I'm interested in outcomes. You might be right that I someday regret Obamacare. Shockingly, you might also be wrong though I suspect you lack the ability to even contemplate something so improbable. Reagardless, I'm going on with life rather than sitting and working myself into a frenzy about what may never be.
