Monday, March 25, 2013

When (is) will the USA be Cyprus? Or, if the government takes your money will you revolt, violently?

No links in this post, (to support my wild ass Pub positions just to help one understand what's going on) and just my thoughts in general.  Despite the Modern Monetary Policy the current Administration is "banking" on, I think we are past fixing the problem.  Social Security (and the promises that if you let the government manage your money you'd get a decent living) is bankrupting every country that promised its population that reward, we should have all just assumed they'd spend anything that came into the coffers instead of thinking we'd actually get the savings we were forced to put aside.  Follow this link and read about that I speak of:

It seems now that it is more important to change the climate, thru legislation than pay off the baby boomers for the war their parents fought.  We were once independent of the U.N., now we are slowly slipping down the slippery slope of the control of African populations.  We are involved in their wars, we are financing a body that wants only to make whitey pay for the sins of racial conflicts dating back to the 1600's. 

So now we are ancient Rome, putting on sporting events to distract the masses from the truth, that a shadow government of a few dozen wealthy folks actually runs the legislative branches of our elected officers charged with defending the Constitution.  In China they just make you a slave and you know it, hey you get to eat don't you?  Here we get to eat, so much so that we're killing ourselves (all part of the plan) and heck the government will give you food stamps to make sure you'll do the job smoking was doing for the country, killing off the weak minded.

Guns?  The gun thing is just another race war in disguise, the inner city ethnic youths are killing each other with hand guns so we need to take away everyone else's right to have one.  makes sense to me, there's an inner city kid that's President ain't there?

So now that the e-cig is going to save the smokers what will we hook them on to get rid of them?  Our Ag biz can only support 300 million folks, so the pinheads are going to have to find a way to make us die, wait why don't we pass a law that makes it that so difficult to be a doctor that there won't be any.

Wait, we already did that too.....


  1. It won't happen until the US finishes bailing out all of the other countries. Then when we need help, they will give us the collective finger and say thanks, you started this mess now pay the piper.

    But the US will do it in a more insidious way. It will decrease your bank account by promoting massive inflation and at the same time, not paying you interest on your money.

    Basically. MONETIZATION.

  2. You're allowed to get rich in the EU, that is until you save over 100K Euro. That's the limit the EU will allow you to obtain without the fear that next Monday your bank is shuttered and your funds have been reduced by what? 20, 30, 40%?

  3. Well, if you want to be taken seriously you need to abandon the crazy conspiricy theories and return to reality.

    1. Mick, Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, SSD, Prescription Drug benefit and who knows what else. Will cost TRILLIONS. But even WORSE, $120 TRILLION is not even funded yet.

      How do we pay for that? The entire annual GDP in the US is 15 TRILLION. That includes homes built, cars, appliances. The Government can't confiscate those and give them to our creditors.

      SO YOU TELL ME. How is that going to be funded?

    2. Mick,

      The problem with conspiracy theories, and the ridiculing of them, is that there can be an inherent conundrum, yes?

