Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Interesting Idea

A petition has appeared on the "We The People" wed cite which would require all politicians to wear NASCAR style jump suits covered with patches showing whe their sponsors are.  The larger the donation, the larger the patch. This would certainly make it easier to decide who to vote for. Here in Florida, the Lieutenant Governor has just resigned in disgrace over her connection with a group who run illegal "internet cafe" gambling operations throughout the state. Turns out this group has given over a million dollars in donations to state legislators in the past two years. The group, which claims to be a charity, and is tax exempt, is called "Allied Veterans of the World".  You can sign the petition here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/require-congressmen-senators-wear-logos-their-financial-backers-their-clothing-much-nascar-drivers/vZBQJ18R


  1. As bought and paid for as Menendez is he'd need a vagina painted on his forehead.

  2. Menendez is hardly unique Martin, except for the fact he got caught.

    1. Mick,

      I thought they were still just allegations. If they ARE proven true, I agree, he isn't unique. I like the Scarlett Letter jumpsuit idea. The President ought to be included, though. Not presidential? Don't accept any campaign contributions.


    2. Jean, I like it, include the President.
