Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CDC: 110,197,000 Venereal Infections in U.S.; Nation Creating New STIs Faster Than New Jobs or College Grads !!!! - According to new data released by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 19.7 million new venereal infections in the United States in 2008, bringing the total number of existing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the U.S. at that time to 110,197,000l

twinsdads comment... Matches the food stamps crowd almost exactly....



  1. So many young girls are willing to go on the pill but use a condom?

    I've heard girls say I would have used a condom if I had KNOWN.

    Well, the reason you use a condom is become what you DON'T KNOW.

    THey worry about getting pregnant, but if you are worried about getting pregnant you should also be worried about STDs.

    Nice to know that many STDs are now resistant to ALL antibiotics.

    Pitty the fool that has gonorrhea the rest of his/her life.

  2. Lots of reasons for this sad state of affairs, yes? Reflective of societal mores. How many shows on TV, how many movies, depict guys and girls jumping into the sack with nary a pause? Hardly the biggest reason for stupid, promiscuous behavior, but it certainly doesn't dissuade. And the CDC position on best prevention? Detection/treatment/condoms? Why not instead trot out disgustting pictures and stories of the consequences from simply not abstaining?

    Stupid. Really, really stupid. And thoughtless. And sad.

    A footnote: Twinsdad, the comment about the foodstamp crowd was a bit out of line.


    1. Have to agree with Jean on this one 100% It is truly a sad note when our children are more likely to contract a std than earn a BA.

    2. Jean, the "food stamp crowd" is the same crowd that elected the scum that are running this country into the ground with agendas that are the worst I've ever seen. The balls the democrats think they have to shove every stinking liberal agenda down our throats via the MSM is what created the socialization of our country, why work when you don't have to, just apply and thrive.....

    3. TODAY there is an OLD "food stamp crowd" and the NEW "food stamp crowd". Many in the OLD group refused to even try to be self sufficient while the NEW group is turning into the New America....

      I do not begrudge anyone who needs help but it is those who refuse to help themselves and those are Obama supporters.
