Saturday, December 6, 2014



  1. US senators, not one democrat governor or senator in 9 States from Carolina to Texas.

    When will the minority begin to compromise with the majority?

    1. "When will the minority begin to compromise with the majority?"

      If the country wanted the Republicans to rule, they would have given them 60 votes William. As you said, divided government is best and if the Senate can be blocked from doing ANY legislating, you should be happy with that outcome right?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let the horrifying stupidity begin. Give 'em what they want. reduced government, reduced benefits, reduced everything. As you plummet the south back into poverty we'll see how long they hold out. You now successfully control some of the least among us and you may now commence squeezing them out of mainstream America. It's what you want William...tickticktick

  4. But ric, isn't it the responsibility of the minority to compromise with the majority? Isn't that what democracy all about? Didn't the voters just speak loud and clear that they want "change,"

    Or are the overwhelming majority of voters "horrifying stupid?"

    1. Well, considering that only 36% of eligible voters actually voted, I would have to say that the vast majority of voters are stupid. 36% of eligible voters is not a majority. You smarmily taunted us when McConnell filibustered everything, just as you are smarmily taunting us now and compromise. For the good of the people, Reid should let business be conducted and since all Democrats are kind of spineless pussies, he likely will. What should he do? He should make McConnell's life as miserable as possible and not force Obama to veto everything.

      In our politics today, we don't govern. We play a game of screw the other guy when our party isn't in power.

    2. William William William, you and I know that America has not spoken overwhelmingly. Ask Mitch William. Everything aligned perfectly for a Republican win in November. He saw it coming two years ago. Don't read too much into it William. You are still the minority party in America.
      Yes Max Harry Reid should just let them govern so we can see what Horrifying stupidity looks like. I kinda already know just by the actions that the repubs have taken in NC since they gained control. It ain't pretty.

    3. I repeat ric. The Tea Party is not a party, minority or otherwise. Movements are not political parties. How long will it take for you to understand this? The paradigm occurred five years ago and you are blind to it. No wonder your minions were wiped out.

    4. tea party or not you are still a republican.

    5. yep, yer correct, little "r" republican.

  5. Gruber says the Obama administration knew the individual mandate was a tax, but that if Americans knew the truth “the bill dies.” So the bill “was written in a tortured way to make sure [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes.” He adds that “the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage” and that “the stupidity of the American voter . . . was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

    1. Benghazi hearings will amount to nothing, Obama care will not be repealed.

      Have a nice day!

    2. Gruber was an embarrassment today. Even Elija Cummings was all over him.
