Monday, July 14, 2014

Thousands of Internet Users Believe Steven Spielburg Killed a Triceratops

Turns out lots of non-"Jurassic Park" fans on Facebook didn't realize that Jay Branscomb was joking when he posted a "disgraceful" photo of a "despicable man" — namely director Steven Spielberg — posing with a poached triceratops. It's been shared over 30,000 times! One Facebook commenter who was in the dark about the animal's extinction wrote, "Disgusting! I bet he only kept the horns!"


  1. The internet ain't it grand. Thousands of internet users believe a lot of the garbage that it contains.

    1. I knew it. Steven is an alien.

      What else could possible kill a Triceratops?

    2. A large asteroid hitting Earth.

    3. Maybe the meteor hit it in the head when Stephen was about to strike,

  2. Rick, I think you are being conservative. I would put the number of believers of mindless electronic drivel in the millions.

  3. The serious thing about this situation is that it has little to do with the internet. It has everything to do with our educational system and grade inflation.

  4. I wouldn't blame the education system as much as the parents of these ignorant people. By the time one starts school one should know quite a lot about what is possible and what is not. Children obtain this knowledge from their parents, mainly in having books read to them and hearing stories. I am certain I knew that dinosaurs and their kin were extinct before I started the first grade, I'll bet you did too. Like everything else, the quality of education varies greatly form state to state, so you are right for some parts of the population. And then there are the fundamentalists who refuse to believe that dinosaurs ever existed, but they are a tiny fraction of the population. The internet is not to blame, but it does give the ignorant a forum to broadcast their drivel far and wide. Sorry to be so long winded.

  5. I'm sure I knew that dinosaur's were extinct early in grade school as does my 6 year old grandson. I agree with you Mick on that. On the other hand parents hand down the knowledge they possess. Basic science has been hijacked by the environmental nazi's to the point that junk and media driven science clouds the minds of high school and college students.

    1. William, weather science is inexact since weather will always be unpredictable due to a mathematical snag called sensitivity to initial conditions. In other words meteorology is not an exact science and never will be. On the other hand the real exact sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are alive and well. Unfortunately, many of todays youth avoid those disciplines as being too difficult to master. This is unfortunate. Perhaps we need another Sputnik. When the Russians launched the first Earth satellite the U.S. panicked and President Eisenhower initiated a strong national push for science education which paid off handsomely when we beat the Russians to the Moon and eventually won the Cold War. There are places on the internet where you can view graphs of the distribution of college majors. Physics comes in at 1.5% and the other pure sciences don't do much better. So, please don't lump the pure sciences in with meteorology.
