Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Tea Party Editorial Response

In your recent editorial denouncing conservatives as “a clown car of right wing extremist, I wonder did Governor Cuomo give you his talking points or did you plagiarize from him? Didn’t he just proclaim that no life loving, constitutional observant and respecter of law be allowed the right to live in NY? Although you didn’t try to banish us from New Jersey, your editorial was just as dismissive.
Your editorial demeans those who wish to run on the Republican ticket whose concerns are to repeal the illegal Obama care laws; who understand the broken social security system; who respect life from natural conception to its natural death and adhere to GOD’s natural laws, not manmade laws in the sacredness of marriage; who want a balanced budget so that the American tax payer is not overburdened; and, who believes in a sovereign country with English as its official language, as extreme insane notions. Wow, you just exhibited the Saul Alinsky rule of isolate, personalize and polarize it. Ya done good comrade – you’ve made him proud.
You, like Cuomo offended many people who believe in these principals, and you like Cuomo, simply because you thought you had a captive audience, assumed your attack would go unchallenged.
Let me ask, have you ever been to a Tea Party meeting? If not, I openly challenge you to attend any chapter throughout the state, of which we are many. We are not silent, secretive or hidden. We are truly a transparent group of Americans whose only concern is to restore America to that GOD given document, The Constitution.
You can ridicule us, mock us and trash us. We are not going away. However, if you have any genuine professionalism, you’ll come back from that meeting and apologize to all Americans as to what you wrote in your editorial and confess that you’ve slandered a good group of people whose only faults are to love and respect their country.
We’ll wait patiently.
Joellen M. Arrabito
East Jersey Tea Party Patriot


  1. Thank you Catherine Engelbrecht!

    Watch this video. Straight out of 1984.

  2. ron b public • a day ago

    RE: IRS REG-134417-13
    Under the constitution, the government is to serve the public good. When it chooses instead to serve a political agenda, it violates its own reason to be. The IRS needs to be depoliticized or abolished. Using tax enforcement powers to intimidate and coerce political enemies is destructive to free democratic expression and is a form of treason. They are undermining the whole concept of government of, by and for the people, and establishing dictatorship. We need to recall elected officials who betray us and their oath of office.

  3. Oklahoma Liberty • a day ago

    Read about the Alien & Sedition Act of 1798 and what James Madison and Thomas Jefferson had to say in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798, 1799.....any law which violates the Constitution should be found null and void by the states and by the people.....the government is not omnipotent.....

  4. You might remember Ms. Gerritson, founder of the Wetumpka TEA Party, who has testified before the Ways and Means Committee. She was a sensation:

    I am not here as a serf or vassal. I am not begging my lords for mercy. I’m a born free American woman, wife, mother and citizen. And I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place. It’s not your responsibility to look out for my well-being, and to monitor my speech. It’s not your right to assert an agenda. Your post, the post that you occupy, exists to preserve American liberty. You’ve sworn to perform that duty. And you have faltered.
