Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What is Your Social Class?

Here is an interesting on-line quiz from the Christian Science Monitor.



    Your habits and perspectives most resemble those of middle-class Americans. Members of this group tend to be gentle and engaging parents, and if they're native English speakers they probably use some regional idioms and inflections. Your people are mostly college-educated, and you're about equally likely to beg children not to shout "so loudly" as you are to ask them to "read slow" during story time. You're probably a decent judge of others' emotions, and either a non-evangelical Christian, an atheist, or an agnostic. A typical member of this group breastfeeds for three months or less, drinks diet soda, and visits the dentist regularly. If you're a member of this group, there's a good chance that you roll with the flow of technological progress and hate heavy metal music.

    That was in interesting quiz. I'd say the assessment pretty well sums me up.

    1. Pretty funny:


      Your habits and perspectives most resemble those of upper-middle-class Americans. Though members of this group are not the most accurate judges of others' emotions, they do have a high faith in people's basic decency, and a commitment to raising healthy, curious, and imaginative children. Your people eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, eschew cigarettes, and live in homes full of books. You have vast and eclectic tastes in music, which likely exclude country, gospel, rap, and heavy metal. In fact, you identify so strongly with your own individual tastes, that you may resent it a bit when friends impinge upon your discoveries.

  2. Hi Max, yeah that's the same grade I got. I wish some our more extreme friends would participate, just to see how accurate this thing is.

  3. I wish I could post my results so you libs could rationalize your delusions of superioity, but, alas, the survey does not work on mobile devices.
