Monday, September 9, 2013

Iran is the problem, has been for thirty years. No Iran, no jihad, no wars, nothing but peace.

Consider the reality of the region.  Iran is the big dog, if they get nukes they'll take out Israel, jersey, you know war tactics, you cut off the head of the leader and the rest of the body dies.

Iran is the problem, has been for thirty years.  When they took over the rise of the religious rulers displaced democracy, the zealots threw out the wealthy, imposed Islamic Shia rules, but they kept all the scientists and nuclear resources and the desire to purge Israel from the region.

Look at the general population, poor, look at the religious leaders, wealthy.  If Iran had not turned to the jihad, there would not have been 9/11.

If Iran was returned to its people all would safe in the region.


  1. Twins, as you can see, the American people have no stomach for war or attacking the "head of the snake" any longer. It was said on Bloomberg TV this morning that Syria has enough gas to kill 50 million people! Yes, I said 50 million! I think letting Syria off of the hook here sends a dangerous message. Russia can't be trusted as we know, so if Obama takes this "way out" of his catch 22 mess, can we trust Syria or Russia? Don't think so.

    As for Iran Twins, that would bankrupt us trying to take them out. Jersey

    1. Jersey, please send your email address to my gmail so I can send you the invite via blogger so you can create topics and not post as anonymous. If you have already, forgive me for not finding it, I get an email from every post on this blog....


  2. Jersey.....If we had the "real" numbers I think that we are bankrupt now.

    1. Bankrupt in what way? Morally, Politically, perhaps. In terms of corporate wealth, no where near. In terms of personal wealth, perhaps, since 1% of individuals hold 80% of the wealth. In terms of national debt, depends on who you believe. I agree that Iran is a problem for which our political leaders have no solution.

    2. Twinsdad,

      I happen to disagree with the cutting off the head comment. The death of UBL is rather a strong example, yes?


      I agree with you that trying to nation re-build in Iran would be hugely expensive, saying not about the chances of success.

      1% holding 80% of the wealth seems a little high. One source I checked indicates, for example, that the top quintile holds about 60% of the net worth of the population.


    3. Hi Jean. You are right, the figure is nearer 40% according to this article: Still that's up from 16% 20 years ago.

      Maybe I was using "exaggeration for the sake of emphasis", a rhetorical device not unknown to these pages.

    4. Gee Mick other than fudging you numbers for the sake of emphasis with regards to wealth you may have something there with you comment about "Morally and Politically"

      Both of those issues have achieved new highs under the Obama administration. IRS,EPA,NSA,just a few,many more if you want to really search a little.

    5. Does anyone here believe that the UN can actually remove the chem weapons that Syria has stockpiled? Does anyone here wonder who will pay the bill to neutralize those chem weapons?

      If Assad falls, the rebel factions would have command of the WMD and that is a scary thought. I support Obama, but if we attack Syria, we have to completely wipe out their stockpiles. That task seems impossible now since too much time has elapsed and moving these weapons may have already taken place.

      Also, I think Assad's biggest fear is getting gassed himself if we blow up these huge stockpiles of gas. Jersey

  3. TD, The religious rulers displaced the Shah, not democracy. The Shah, Reza Pahlevi, was just another despotic ruler. The Iranian revolution was orchestrated by the religious leaders in exile who themselves formed a despotic government of their own.

    1. Mick, all good points on the Shah. Sadly, the USA supported the "Shah of Iran" and the United States is hated to this day for its support of this ruthless despot. We always seem to ride the wrong horse with all of these nations and end up paying for it. Saddam Hussein, Juan Batista(our puppet leader in Cuba until Castro overthrew him), Reza Pahlevi, Nguyen Van Thieu(our puppet President in Vietnam)Ferdinand Marcos(the ruthless and corrupt Phillipine leader we bankrolled) etc. -Jersey

    2. Mick and Jersey... I am only supporting an attack on the nuke facilities, they are far from the general population and if we set back their nuke program the "Middle East" will be a safer region for years to come. If Iran gets nukes and use them, and they will this earth will erupt into war in almost every corner, no one in this country will be safe either.

  4. Hmmm ... If only there was some kind of counterbalance for Iran in the ME. Some ruthless, but secular, dictator that can act as a check against Iran's expanding influence in the region. Maybe engage in an occasional military struggle with Iran, you know ... Keep Iran honest, and act as a stabilizer for the region as a whole.

    There wasn't any country in the ME in recent history that fit that role, was there?

    I don't recall ... Maybe it'll come to me. Maybe if "I RACK" my brains, I'll think of it ...

  5. Hi Phunky, isn't that spelled Iraq? Yep, remember that Sadam give up his WMD and all it bought him was a couple of years. Same for Gadaffi. So, why should Syria give up their chemical weapons? We seem bound and determined to level the ME playing field don't we, to our own peril it seems.

    1. What's up, Doc? :-)

      Yeah, first it was the Brits playing Empire there for a few decades. Then in '53, the CIA teamed up with them to install the Shah of Iran (ooo the irony) and we've been f'n around in the sand over there since.

      Blowback, anyone?

  6. Obumbles had the chance to assist the Iranian Greens four years ago. What did he do? Lemme see, basketball ... golf ... Grand Canyon vacation ... basketball ... did I mention golf? ... repacking Churchill bust back to Britain ... gave the Queen a bundle of Motown CDs ... did I mention basketball?

    1. sk6, just what was Obama supposed to do to assist the Iranian people? Are you saying we should have attacked Iran? How in Allah's name could Obama have gotten the new chicken hawk Republicans in Congress to go along with an attack on Iran, when these cowards are afraid of a missile strike on the chem weapons of Syria? Give us your scenario of how we would have taken out the Iranians. Jersey

    2. Jersey, we only "take out" the nuke facilities, and they are far from the population. No air power on earth could stop us if we made up our minds that under no circumstances can Iran get a nuclear weapon, THEY WILL USE IT!

      Even If we only set them back 10 years, we have to do it. Cut off the head of the snake and the snake dies, muslims attacked us years ago today, but I know you are not a backer of Israel so I know you back seeing them wiped off the face of the earth. It is Americans like you that shame all Americans, Israel is the only country preventing an all out war in the Middle East and that war would drive oil go beyond skyrocket prices and close the Suez Canal forever.

  7. Iran is one of the symptoms of the plague, Islam, is the problem.

    1. sk.....Islam is the problem ? Islam is all about peace and love,Right ? And if you don't agree and change to the way of Islam they will cut your damm head off,how nice!

    2. Obviously, some Islamists are very nasty radicals, but to generalize that ALL of them are gun toting nuts is off base. Jersey

    3. Jersey....For some reason even the ones that are not "Radical" go along with the radicals.
      Does not Islam teach that all that are not Islam are not pure and must be converted or eliminated ?

      So therefore I must conclude that ALL Islam is a problem,Just as Islam teaches that ALL who are Not are a problem.

  8. Before the revolution:


    For SOME reason that one is not allowed, :)

    1. sk6,

      The 3rd link was the only one that displayed anything. Good juxtaposition, except the Islamic justice image; ugh.


    2. I knew the 1st would not though I had it on file for quite sometime. Obviously no one wants that one as a reminder.

      Sorry on the second, it should have worked but it too was a reminder of better days.


  9. Good comments, good debate. By "take out Iran" I should say, take out their nuke facilities. They are to well protected for Israel alone to cripple the bomb effort, only the U.S. has the weapons to halt and/or vastly degrade the effort. If we Iranian raid is successful Israel is safe for decades and would not attack any populated areas.

    Do you really think that Iran will not only use nukes, but ASAP after they have, say 4.

    Why are they doing what they are doing if not to follow thru with the daily threats they make to wipe Israel off the map.

    Beware, if Israel is nuked by Iran there will be a world war, if Israel is nuked our might will be raining down on them, and if not, Obama will show his true colors, just a Muslim in a cheap suits clothing.
