Friday, February 22, 2013

The Neutron Bomb That Will Decimate Employment

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
ObamaCare will act as a neutron bomb on employment in the U.S. for two basic reasons.
Longtime readers know I have repeatedly explained why healthcare, i.e. sickcare, will bankrupt the nation. Here are two of the dozens of entries I've written on sickcare:
America's Hidden 8% VAT: Sickcare (May 10, 2012)
Can Chronic Ill-Health Bring Down Great Nations? Yes It Can, Yes It Will (November 23, 2011)
I have also explained why ObamaCare's "fixes" are simulacra reforms that don't even address the systemic costs arising from the cartel-fiefdom structure of sickcare:
Why "Healthcare Reform" Is Not Reform, Part I (December 28, 2009)
Why "Healthcare Reform" Is Not Reform, Part II (December 29, 2009)

If you set out to design a corrupt, inefficient, wasteful, unfair, deranged and unreformable system, you would arrive at U.S. healthcare.

86% of Workers Are Obese or Have Other Health Issue Just 1 in 7 U.S. workers is of normal weight without a chronic health problem.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), i.e. ObamaCare, is a neutron bomb for employment. A neutron bomb is an enhanced-radiation thermonuclear weapon that famously leaves buildings, autos, etc. intact but kills all the people, even those inside buildings, vehicles, etc.
ObamaCare will act as a neutron bomb on employment in the U.S. for two basic reasons:
1. It is immensely complex, and already-marginalized small business owners will shed employees or simply close rather than have to figure out what all those thousands of pages of regulations and statutes mean to the survival of their business.
2. ObamaCare's primary mechanisms of lowering costs, insurance exchanges and technocratic selection of "best care practices," do nothing to change the systemic flaws of sickcare.



  1. Well, the word decimate means cut ten fold, or 1000%. I don't think so.

  2. Actually - according to Merriam-Webster it means cut by 10%

    : to select by lot and kill every tenth man of
    : to exact a tax of 10 percent from
    a : to reduce drastically especially in number
    b : to cause great destruction or harm to

  3. defines it as:
    dec·i·mate [des-uh-meyt]
    verb (used with object), dec·i·mat·ed, dec·i·mat·ing. destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague. select by lot and kill every tenth person of.
    3.Obsolete . to take a tenth of or from.

    1. I stand corrected. Still ain't gonna happen.

    2. Twenty years from now will historians look back and realize that John Roberts bankrupted America?

    3. John Roberts will forever known as the man who killed the Republic.
