Monday, February 18, 2013

Democrat says arm women with whistles, not guns

His logic? women fearing rape may suddenly and haphazardly ”pop a round at somebody.” I would be PO'd if I was a woman and read that. He also said that if a woman feared being raped she should go find one of those call boxes with a blue light on it... I think because they are always conveniently located close by and that's exactly where rapists prefer to commit their crimes, right by a callbox.


  1. Now the University of Colorado says:

    "Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating," and "Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone."

    and that's from a CLASS THEY TEACH!

    What morons! Rape is a hate crime, not a crime of passion and lust. Rapists rape 80 year old women, I don't think a little pee (if a woman can even relax enough to pee while being raped or threatened with rape) will stop them.

    These are the liberal elite telling women what they should do with their bodies to protect themselves. Real rocket scientists.

    How about this one? Carry Pepper spray, carry a taser, Carry a gun, take a self defense class and learn how to gouge an attackers eyes out. I guarantee you each one of those is better than PEEING ON YOURSELF!

    This is all about the pacification of American's before the shit hits the fan. Yeah pee and vomit on yourself for protection! Those Idiots.

  2. How in the hell can anyone understand the screwed up logic of the Liberal mind ?

  3. Another day in Liberal Land .... some are just not fit to reproduce....
