Friday, October 9, 2015

Can Paul Ryan Save The GOP?


  1. Nope. Nothing can save the GOP until they decide to work together. What was that they said.... wait until we have control and see what happens. They can't even stop what they consider a bad weak president because they fight among themselves so much. Rock Bottom......................

  2. Listening to a few voices here, it would seem there are quite a few who do not want the party, in its current state, saved at all. Maybe far left libs and far right conservatives can form a "We hate everything, even each other" party.

  3. Ryan wants to run for President someday. The Speaker gig is political kryptonite for a Pub given the current state of the party. I don't think he, or any Pub with higher political aspirations, will touch that job with a 10 ft pole.

    1. James K. Polk is the one and only House speaker to ever ascend to the presidency, and that was 170 years ago.

    2. The Freedom Caucus will oppose any moderate Republican candidate so it is unlikely that such a candidate can get enough votes to win without giving in to the Caucus' demands. On the other hand the moderates can cut a deal with the Democrats in the House to support their candidate in exchange for as agreement to pass legislation on the debt limit and the budget, further enraging the Caucus members. A third possibility is they could nominate Pelosi as Speaker, who, with enough moderate Republican votes, and all the Democratic votes, would win, driving Caucus members into apoplexy.
