Monday, September 2, 2013

Harvard Research Shows 'Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People'

In an inconvenient truth moment for the anti-gun lobby,Harvard's Don Kates and Gary Mauser expose the facts behind gun control and violent crime. While not the first time we have discussed this awkward reality, the depth of the academics' datasets and the findings are unquestionable that there is in fact a "negative correlation" between violence and gun ownership. As they state, "where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest,"concluding that "The burden of proof rests on the proponents of the more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death mantra, especially since they argue public policy ought to be based on that mantra... But those correlations are not observed when a large number of nations are compared across the world."
There is in fact a negative correlation...
The same pattern appears when comparisons of violence to gun ownership are made within nations. Indeed, “data on firearms ownership by constabulary area in England,” like datafrom the United States, show “a negative correlation,” that is, “where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest.”

Many different data sets from various kinds of sources are summarized as follows by the leading text: [T]here is no consistent significant positive association between gun ownership levels and violence rates: across (1) time within the United States, (2) U.S. cities, (3) counties within Illinois, (4) country?sized areas like England, U.S. states, (5) regions of the United States, (6) nations, or (7) population subgroups...
The burden of proof rests on the proponents of the more guns equal more death and fewer guns equal less death mantra, especially since they argue public policy ought to be based on that mantra.
To bear that burden would at the very least require showing that a large number of nations with more guns have more death and that nations that have imposed stringent gun controls have achieved substantial reductions in criminal violence (or suicide). But those correlations are not observed when a large number of nations are compared across the world.



  2. This is an interesting academic paper, which is available in its entirety here: It should be noted that neither author is associated with Harvard nor does Harvard endorse the accuracy of their research. It must also be noted that Mauser is employed by The National Firearms Association of Canada. Although the zerohedge account has misrepresented the facts, I recommend you read the original article, if you like dry academic studies, as I do.

  3. Gun owners should be required to take a psychological profile each year to make sure they are mentally stable. As we all know, over time, some people lose their ability to reason and there is nothing that can be done to prevent them from going ballistic with their weapon(s). All gun owners should have to pass an "inspection" similar to what our autos go through. That way, we can prevent mentally unstable gun nuts to not own guns or other munitions.

    1. Should the same be required for the rest of rights such as free speech and the right to assemble?

      You liberals really want one goal and that is to disarm ALL citizens and destroy the second amendment.

    2. gotta

      Better keep an eye on that "Free Speech" thing,I think that it is on the endangered list.

    3. Mr. Gottaloveit,

      Please use some common sense sir. Free Speach and the right to assemble are two of the most precious rights our great democracy is known for and I for one, am against doing ANY harm whatsoever to free speach and the right to assemble AND PROTEST too!

      The issue I bring up is that people can become mentally unstable over time and the only way we find this out is after a citizen goes ballistic with their weapon.

      Also, some people's mental faculties change over time and this can be dangerous. Drugs can play a part, bi polar types can evolve and become violent etc.

      Right now, we have no way of weeding out those that could become violent.

    4. Sorry about the spelling of speech. Typo.

    5. Mr Anonymous please.

      Common sense with regards to free speech,I feel you may have your head in the sand ,or have you failed to notice the attacks on people who speak out against this current administration.
      You fail to notice the DOJ spying on reporters,scanning their phone calls.

    6. You cannot cherry pick which rights you want to defend. Either defend them all or prepare to lose them all. If TPTB can diminish or eliminate our 2nd amendment right, they can surely silence us just like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

      You goofy commies always think you will get communism "right" this time.

    7. Rojayalso: Yes, the spying program is upsetting for those of us who value our freedoms. Are you saying that this program, part of the Patriot Act started under Obama?- USSNJ

  4. Anonymous

    " As we all know, over time, some people lose their ability to reason "

    The above appears to be a major problem with liberals for sure,look what the liberal leadership has done to this country.
    Our once great nation is now heading for third world status,all in the last few years under Obama.

    1. Perhaps we should inspect bloggers. Then we can prevent mentally unstable bloggers from promoting mind numbing bilge.


    1. Not to mention how many babies the liberals kill with promoting abortion.

  6. Let's face it, gun owners like cigarette smokers will lose in the end. Guns will eventually be removed from our society as lawsuits begin to take their toll on gun manufacturers. That's how the guns will be taken from the wackos that own them. Of course, you will still be able to own a gun, but you will also have to pay high taxes to do so, just like those killer butts that are becoming extinct.- USSNJ

    1. Right after we start taxing communists like you for talking about things you know nothing about.

  7. Hey, forgot to add, "Cigarettes don't kill people, people kill people"! USSNJ

    1. States pimp cigarette taxes. Sucking on tobacco's tit.

  8. mr gottaloveit, I see I hit a nerve. When you can't beat em, bash em. Thank you for proving my point. USSNJ

  9. You righties are still an angry lot and I find your anger humorous. I understand why you all get so angry: Obama has doen a great job and the country is much better off than when the Republicans almost wiped out our economy, that's why. Obama will go down as one of the greatest Presidents of our time and when you put Bill Clinton in the mix, both have made the American economy come back to life after a Bush nearly took it down. Obama has done a magnificent job as President. The recovery has been slow sure, but we nearly tanked under Bush. Things ARE better today and getting better despite a do nothing Congress. -USSNJ
