Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Politics Burnout

Am I the only one who feels this way?  I tried to remain interested in the goings on in DC after the re-election of BHO, but somehow I found myself drifting in a sea of apathy.  I didn't mean to; the decisions  being made now will fundamentally change in the way America is run.  We had the beginnings of this during the first great financial crisis of the 20th century.  Great government social programs designed to keep the poorest among us from suffering in old age became huge entitlement programs that nearly all of us will depend on at some time or another.  Overreaching regulations mostly enacted by over reaction to some crisis have run manufacturing businesses out of our country.  Politicians being bought off by special interest lobbies have disenfranchised the average voter.  Heavy propaganda disseminated by what used to be our trusted news media has nearly turned me away from news at all.

I don't like what's going on in DC.  Their actions will affect me someday.  When they do, I will certainly fall into the safety net somewhere.  I will be very comfortable by current world standards, but I won't be free.  Liberty above everything else used to be what made this country great.  Liberty is being stripped away from us at an ever increasing pace and I find myself strangely apathetic about it.  What the hell is wrong with this picture?


  1. It's exactly what the ruling elite want from us Storm. Have you ever looked into the eyes of the everyday Cuban or North Korean? They look like glazed donuts.

    Elections do have consequences. Unfortunately the numerous proles that inhabit our nation will have to see even tougher times before things begin to change. As long as the government check continues to arrive, as long as the Fed continues to print and inflate our money supply, as long as the food stamps appear out of thin air, things will continue to slide along near zero growth.

  2. I'm not tired of it, but sometimes I have to step away from it for the day after I get PO'd at Ben Bernanke, or Obama/Reid/Pelosi, or how the Republicans appear to be totally incompetent in all facets of politics... or listening to the talking heads in DC and NY about how wonderful the economy is.

    P.S. the Dems WANT sequestration so they can blame the effects of the 2% payroll tax hike on sequestration and so they can make the Republicans look like mean old white men.

  3. "Am I the only one who feels this way?"

    No. Count me in.


  4. Unfortunately Jean, totally understandable.

    Just remember, it's always darkest just before the dawn.
