Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pivoting or Corkscrewing?

•“Obama to return to jobs and the economy” (Washington Post, Feb. 10, 2013)

•“President Obama pivots to jobs — and dares GOP to follow” (Politico, Sep. 8, 2011) 
•“After bruising debt battle, Obama pivots to jobs agenda” (Agence France Presse, Aug. 3, 2011)

•“Obama pivots from bin Laden’s death to economy” (Reuters, May 7, 2011)

•“Obama Pivots to Job Creation With Few Tools to Spur Growth” (Bloomberg, Aug. 10, 2011)

•“Obama pivots to job creation in speech” (San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 28, 2010)

•“Obama pivots to the economy and jobs” (Christian Science Monitor, January 8, 2010)


  1. Obama will talk about eliminating tax loopholes.

    What he won't tell you is that he considers the following a tax loophole.

    1.) No income tax on health insurance benefits.
    2.) Mortgage interest deduction.

    He may have even talked about reducing our nuclear arms by 1/3. I doubt if the subject even comes up now b/c of North Korea.

    What is he going to say about jobs after he eliminated the jobs council?

    What he will talk a LOT about is amnesty.

    1. On that last one, to be expected from the Panderer-in-Chief, yes?

  2. Well Michelle is taking a separate vacation and the queen will make demands ..... has credit card (check) I see an uptick in Aspen...
