Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11 – Eleven Years Later (Selected Statistics)

By Mark McHugh from Across the Street
September 11 – Eleven Years Later (Selected Statistics)
On the anniversary of the most emotional day in our collective memory, I present the following statistics, prepared to the best of my ability, in the interest of truth, justice and the American way:


Have a nice day


  1. Thanks for the info TD. I love to see these charts of what things cost in the past. My in-laws had a refrigerator magnet of what things cost in 1920. It was amazing what you could buy for a dollar back then. Nice to see that Afghanistan and Iraq are on the rise. I wish that salaries in the US were keeping up with inflation, but they will have to catch up eventually.

  2. The day began with the same clear cripst Fall feeling.
    Remembering facing East and seeing the Northerly wind driven smoke from the towers.
    The boys mothers collecting them from my sons high school.

    Pride in seeing the my neighbors nursery tended trees at ground zero.

    Remembering that I changed my prayers that evening.

    During my constitutional noting the silence between the normal plane routings. The welcome low drone that was missing for days afterwards.

    Eleven years, my three children now grown, married, and gone.
    Replaced by the blessed four grandchildren.

    Our world has changed. I pray for the souls that were lost, their surviving loved ones.
    I pray for our country. The hope of God.

    1773-2009 Now is not the time to be silent. Now is the time to restore the founders values, our values.

  3. Well said---------well said indeed.
