Friday, September 7, 2012

Democrats move FORWARD--------REPUBLICANS continue to attack.

The DNC was a roaring success getting the point across that America is alive and well and recovering and the Republican attack dogs can't stand it. Real leadership, real progress, a real plan laid out to move this country FORWARD.

I have not heard a positive plan from the Republicans yet.  Not one specific of one plan.  Attack is NOT a plan the American people will buy.


  1. LOL - "GOP on attack"

    Romney's a felon
    Romney hasn't paid taxes for 10 years
    Romney killed a cancer patient
    Romney destroyed cos. and jobs for fun
    Romney tortures animals
    Romney was a high school bully
    Romney's going to kill granny by taking away her Medicaid.

    Get a life Carol. You are blind.

    1. Anon. Perhaps there would be greater understanding if reasoned debate became the norm, both here and in the MSM attack ads we hear about and occasionally see as news clips here in Australia. I was able to watch the president’s speech on the Australian link to your PBS today.
      In a strictly non partisan way the following is my take on the speech.
      It was not as good as that of his wife or that of Bill Clinton. The speech fell a little short of explaining the apparent lack of progress but was strong on detailing those areas where progress has been made. The speech was strong in explaining that your problems were not of recent origin but the culmination of two decades of failure. He made a good case for another term but I do feel the electorate may need more persuading before giving him one.
      Cheers from a bi partisan Aussie

    2. Hey, anon

      I might be blind but I have 20/20 hearing and I KNOW what I am NOT hearing---------and another thing, would you say the things you say if you posted under your name?

      I have a life-----------YOU get a name-----and post with it.

    3. Have a link to prove your unfounded allegations or is this the topic to spread manure??

    4. Doesn't it disturb you that Obama said none of those things? I guess a lie is as good as the truth is you can get people to believe it.

  2. Kingston, it is very hard to guage how the election will go at this point. I feel Obama has the edge because he has the weight of the incumbency with him, as he said last night, "I am no longer the candadite for POTUS, I AM the President."

    With the Republican's only message being that they just want to get O out of the
    WH-----they are weak. With Romney getting the nomination out of the process of elimination and with Ryan outright lying about his race results when he was 20---------they are weak. Without a plan of any sort they are weak----the ONLY area where there is any semblence of strength, it is negativity, exclusion, hate and obstructionism.

    My friends who are Republicans all wish there was another candidate to vote for.


      Into the $16,000,000,000,000.00 and counting abyss.

      1773-2009 Obama bucks,,,Welcome to the Weimar Replublic!

    2. "Although the inflation ended with the introduction of the Rentenmark and the Weimar Republic continued for a decade afterwards, hyperinflation is widely believed to have contributed to the Nazi takeover of Germany and Adolf Hitler's rise to power. Adolf Hitler himself in his book, Mein Kampf, makes many references to the German debt and the negative consequences that brought about the inevitability of "national socialism"."

    3. First, Obama should rue the quote. He is POTUS, but to say he is not the candidate for POTUS smacks of rather high arrogance, suggesting he doesn't need to be in the running, when, in fact, that IS the case.

      Talking points, not plans? Into exactly what category would the Blather-in-Chief's mouthings fall?

      Ever since his EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE 'you didn't build that' crap, which caused my spouse to just about explode, I've been on nearly a 24-hour 'chew rocks' mode. That creep! We worked hard, very hard for launching that teeny tiny small business.

      FORWARD! Sure, let's not look back and conduct a PERFORMANCE REVIEW!

      Enough. Ooom mani padme oom. It's the weekend.

      Carpe weekendem.

    4. Jean-------I have the rock chewing thing so bad now that I have TMJ so bad it will require a bit to hold my jaw in place. I know whereof you speak --------only mine is caused by Romney and Ryan and left-over BUSH!

      Yes it is the weekend-----I hope you and yours have a great weekend and relax. Maybe none of us should watch TV------it is very stressful with polarized political opinions running 24/7.

    5. First of all, inflation is near an all-time low, hardly Weimar Republic. Second of all, National Socialism was an ultra right wing movement. Look it up Goober.

    6. Call it what you want Mick. I was quoting Wiki. Believe what you will,

      As for the rate of inflation, well,,if you believe inflation is in reality stagnant,,well,,,,you seem unclear,,

      "The cause of the immense acceleration of prices that occurred during the German hyperinflation of 1922–23 seemed unclear and unpredictable to those who lived through it, but in retrospect was relatively simple. The Treaty of Versailles imposed a huge debt on Germany that could be paid only in gold or foreign currency. With its gold depleted, the German government attempted to buy foreign currency with German currency, but this caused the German Mark to fall rapidly in value, which greatly increased the number of Marks needed to buy more foreign currency. This caused German prices of goods to rise rapidly which increase the cost of operating the German government which could not be financed by raising taxes. The resulting budget deficit increased rapidly and was financed by the central bank creating more money. When the German people realized that their money was rapidly losing value, they tried to spend it quickly. This increase in monetary velocity caused still more rapid increase in prices which created a vicious cycle.[9] This placed the government and banks between two unacceptable alternatives: if they stopped the inflation this would cause immediate bankruptcies, unemployment, strikes, hunger, violence, collapse of civil order, insurrection, and revolution.[10] If they continued the inflation they would default on their foreign debt. The attempts to avoid both unemployment and insolvency ultimately failed when Germany had both.[11]"


  3. Carol,
    Visually, hearing impaired???

    The Republican platform:

    Restoring the American Dream:Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs
    We The People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government
    America’s Natural Resources: Energy, Agriculture and the Environment
    Reforming Government to Serve the People
    Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods
    American Exceptionalism

    The only thing weak is your insistence on the shallowness of the Republicans when the shallowness is your lack of knowledge on anything other than the sound bites of the government. More government is not the answer. Never has been, never will be. Roosevelt thought more government was the answer and mishandled the economy for years and was finally bailed out by a world war. Progressivism didn't work then and hasn't worked today.

    1. The Republican platform:

      Restoring the American Dream:Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs
      We The People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government
      America’s Natural Resources: Energy, Agriculture and the Environment
      Reforming Government to Serve the People
      Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods
      American Exceptionalism


      This is the same platform as the Democrats

      So I gather what you are trying to say is there a difference how those goals are achieved? You say nothing about the economy, education, health that is concrete or has any plan for implementation.

      Obama has created the Dream Act, fixed interest rates on student loans, passed the ACA-------these are actual programs designed to achieve something and move the country forward.

      What is the Republican equivalent? Start another war? Iraq and Afghanistan created a lot of jobs didn't they?

    2. And another thing--------what you cite are talking points, not plans-----------

    3. Carol and Lou
      You are both very good friends of mine .You make my interest in your politics more interesting and my interest in your history exciting.
      Can I suggest to you both that your favourite is no more and no less than his opponent in his desire to do what he sees as best for the country
      Cheers from Aussie

    4. It was great seeing the DNC MAESTRO showing their true colors.

    5. It was great seeing the DNC MAESTRO showing their true colors.

    6. Carol.....Dream Act, fixed interest rates on student loans, passed the ACA do not equal We The People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government.

      Tell me Carol, just how far to you believe it is the right and indeed the responsibility of your government to dictate your life to you? At what point will you feel that a government is to intrusive to the objective of life, liberty and happiness?

      By the way.. The dream act skirts the real issue of border control and the law... by law, my legally immigrated spouse is less capable of receiving certain benefits than illegals... I know because for her to get the green card as a spouse, I had to sign those 'rights' away. So the dream act is government interference in what is already suppose to be law.

      Student loans... more intervention and meddling by the government will insure that education costs will continue rise. Government guarantees are the problem not the solution.

      Most of the price and cost distortions in both medical care and in drugs have been caused by the US government. The problem with those thing that you point to as progress is yet more meddling and tinkering that will be proven in the future to be adding more damage to an already broken economy.... thanks to 'your' vision of progress.

  4. And Carol, where are the plans from the democrats???
    4 years and still waiting. Did accomplish 1 thing, trashing of the healthcare system which will bankrupt a one great nation. I apologize 2 things. Spent 6 trillion in 4 years with nothing to show for it.


    We have seen the results of the plan for the last 4 years with dismal job growth, a limping economy and of curse 23 million sitting on the sidelines waiting for better times. As a side note, 16 trillion in debt with the plan to cut the debt by 4 trillion over 10 years. IS that 4 trillion from today or 10 years from now. That's right he really didn't say.

    Can't say he created any jobs as we are 300K ahead of 2009 as of now. Actually if you count the jobs lost in state and local government we are at a loss in jobs from 2009 our darkest hour.

    I suggest that Obama doesn't have the nations best interest in mind and is a political animal of the worst kind pandering to group[s for votes as he has no record to run on.

    1. Lou, I'd settle for a budget. Think they can produce one?

